Macbeth: Context

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Explains how, what was going on at the time is illustrated in the play

  • Created by: Karina181
  • Created on: 13-06-17 13:12
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  • Context
    • Belief in witchcraft
      • Witch trials
        • Banquo's distrust
      • James I wrote a book on 'Demonology'
      • Religious element
        • "Instruments of darkness"
      • Unquestioning belief
        • Macbeth
        • Opening scene
          • Shakespeare starts the play with them
    • James I was the FIRST king of England and Scotland
      • Settling the differences
        • Malcolm is supported by England
      • Believed he was connected to Banquo
        • Row of kings in Macbeth's vision
      • Gunpowder plot
        • Treachery and reason
        • Consequences of murdering a king
          • Death and suffering
    • The divine right of king's
      • It was believed that the king was chosen by God
        • Duncan is a bountiful king
          • 'Grow'
      • An act against a king was an act against God
        • Nature goes wild when Duncan is killed
          • His horses eat themselves
          • Storms
      • Killing a king- was blasphemous, sin and a direct path to hell
        • Macbeth cannot sleep after the murder
    • Tragedy
      • Hero dies
        • Macbeth dies
    • Religion was  the bedrock of people's lives
      • Everything in society revolved around a Christian religion
        • Macbeth cannot say 'Amen'
          • He loses his religion
        • Heaven and hell
        • Shakespeare's language
        • Damned
    • Patriarchal Society
      • Women were expected to be subservient
        • Do as they are told
        • Lady Macbeth breaks all of these expectations
          • Equal to her husband
          • Strong and powerful
          • No children
          • Intelligent and educated
          • Dies because of it
        • Weren't meant to own property
          • "My  battlements"
        • Elizabethan ideal
          • Lady Macduff
            • Stays loyal till the end
            • Dies for her family
      • Society ruled by men


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