Constituent Features Of Dance

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  • Constituent Features Of Dance
    • Dancers
      • Age
      • Ethnicity
      • Ability
      • Gender
      • Style
        • The Dancer must be able to dance in the style of the dance
      • Build
        • For character
      • Number
        • for appropriate space and overall image
    • Stucture
      • Episodic
        • Can show development and understanding
      • Continuous piece
    • Subject Matter
      • Stimulus/ Motif/ Theme
    • Movement Components
      • Action
        • Travel
        • Turn
        • Elevation
        • Fall
        • Stillness
        • Gesture
      • Space
      • Dynamics
        • Force applied to a movement over a certain time
      • Relationships
    • Performance Environment
      • Where the piece is performed
        • Proscenium Arch
        • Studio
        • Outside
    • Style
      • Ballet
      • Tap
      • Modern
      • Contemporary
    • Physical Setting
      • Costume
        • Appropraite
          • Able to dance in it
        • Creates Image
          • Links to theme/ overall image/ motif
      • Set(ting)
        • Create an Image
        • Cyclorama: Backdrop
      • Props
        • Things dancers use
      • Lighting
        • Spot Light
        • Intensity
        • Colour
    • Aural Setting
      • Sound Scape
        • Music
          • Live
          • Recorded
          • Silence
        • Physical Sounds
          • Laugh
          • Stamp




I love this color chart style. Easier to see and easier to remember. geometry dash

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