Conservatism mindmap

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  • Conservatism
    • Core ideas
      • Human imperfection = Traditional conservatives believe humans are flawed and can't make good decisions, they have a capacity for evil. Draw on Old Testament doctrine of original sin- psychologically, morally and intellectually flawed
      • Organic society/ state = States and societies provide individuals with a sense of security and purpose, i return humans accept duties and responsibilities that go with belonging to a social group (social contract)- based on hierarchy, inequality and traditions- society is not created but emerges and develops
      • Pragmatism = A flexible approach to society made on the basis of what works. Humans lack the ability to fully understand the complex world so must dismiss all abstract ideas. Informed by empiricism
      • Tradition = Accumulated wisdom of past societies and the connection between generations such as religion and monarchy. Provides a strong sense of identity
      • Paternalism = Gentle power exerted from above by the state and governs in the interest of the people. Government is best equipped because of birth and inheritance. Can be hard or soft
      • Libertarianism = A political philosophy that emphasises the rights of the individuals to liberty, advocating a minimal state
    • Origins
      • Enlightenment  (c.1685-1815) - A reaction to this period where there was a belief in remorseless progress and the notion of an 'ideal' society politicians should strive for
      • American Revolution (1775-1783) - American colonists defied British imperial rule. Showed the power in the individual, overtopping traditions
      • The French Revolution (1789) - Overthrow of the monarchy which rejected the religious traditions
      • Beginning of 'the Terror' (c.1792) - The beheading of King Louis XVI was accompanied with a period where citizens were executed in the name of progress and genocidal violence became a means of securing an 'enlightened' revolutionary regime
    • Key words list
      • - Human imperfection, empiricism, change to conserve, normative, progressive, hierarchy, paternalism/ noblesse oblige, authority, , laissez-faire, Thatcherism, tory, one-nation conservatism, fascism supranationalism, anti-permissive, atomism,


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