Cold War in Asia 1949-1955; Japan, China & Korea

  • Created by: 15RobsonL
  • Created on: 01-01-20 20:21
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  • CW in Asia 1949-1955;(***an, China & Korea)
    • ReCon of ***an: aims: demil & democratise// changed what they thought had been ***'s descent into militarism
      • San-Fran peace treaty'51, not as harsh as should be; no rep payment for SEA states occupied by *** in WWII
        • US-*** sec treaty'51 gave US: -unrestricted use of milt bases in ***-administrative control of Okinawa-right to use milt force to intervene any internal disorder in ***-right to veto *** offering milt bases to other states
    • Reverse Course; not focused on reps, wanted econ success, so firm US presence in SEA
      • ReCon of ***an: aims: demil & democratise// changed what they thought had been ***'s descent into militarism
        • San-Fran peace treaty'51, not as harsh as should be; no rep payment for SEA states occupied by *** in WWII
          • US-*** sec treaty'51 gave US: -unrestricted use of milt bases in ***-administrative control of Okinawa-right to use milt force to intervene any internal disorder in ***-right to veto *** offering milt bases to other states
    • KOREAN WAR'50-'53
      • ROLLBACK why? 1.why wait for NK to regroup & attack anew, 2.US elections soon, public in favour of invading, 3.growing anti-comm stance in gov
        • Why did China intervene?  1. succ fp campaign could consolidate Mao's power, 2.didn't want a hostile US on the border where most of China's limited ind. concentrated, depended on hydroelect from NK, 3.angry about US intervention of Taiwan, 4. Mao pressed by St to intervene, 5. scared that US would take over China after NK
      • RESULTS; US: 1.succ in CONTAINMENT, failure in ROLLBACK, 2. >33k dead, >100k injured, 3. milt spending 4%of GNP to 14% as NSC 68 now implemented, 4. now a milt superpower committed to SEA
      • RESULTS; SU: 1.failed to gain but kept NK, 2. Stalin accelerated indust of EE to pay for the war, 3. St's death a key factor to the peace
      • RESULTS; CHINA: 1. est as a new world power (having stood up to US & won), 2.S-S T holds but China frustrated over lack of SU support, 3. >150k killed
      • Inchon landings, Sept'50
      • Ceasefire, Jul'53
    • China bec Comm'49, Chin nats retreat to Taiwan
      • Jun'50 US 7th fleet in Taiwan straits
  • China bec Comm'49, Chin nats retreat to Taiwan
    • Jun'50 US 7th fleet in Taiwan straits


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