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  • Coasts- erosion causes
    • How physical processes shape the coast line - key words
      • Prevailing wind - dominant wind in an area
      • Crest- the top of a wave
      • swash - movement of waves up a beach
      • Backwash -  movement of water down a beach
      • Sub-aerial processes - a process which attacks the face and top of a cliff
      • Marine erosion - the wearing away of rocks by the action f the sea
      • Weathering - the breaking down of rocks by weather , plants or chemicals
      • Chemical weathering - The breaking down of rocks because of chemicals , e.g acid rain
      • Biological weathering- when an animal or plant causes weathering - e.g a plant growing through a crack in the rock
      • Freeze thaw weathering - when water gets in the cracks of  rock then freezes causing the rock to split.
    • Most common types of weathering
      • Corrosion (solution)
        • Sea water is very corrosive so dissolves lime stone and chalk easily- meaning that erosion id more effective
          • Sea water then gets into the cracks and when it evaporates salt crystals are left behind
            • As more salt crystals form there may be so many that they force  apart the rock
      • Wetting / drying
        • Soft rocks expand when wet and contract when dry so they erode easier


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