Class Differences in Achievement (Internal)

  • Created by: ecotts
  • Created on: 22-05-17 16:38
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  • Class Differences in Achievement (Internal)
    • Labelling
      • Attaching and meaning or definition to someone
      • Teacher often attach labels regardless of the pupils actual ability or attitude
        • They label pupils on the basis of stereotyped assumptions about their class background
          • Middle class positively
          • Working Class negatively
      • Becker
        • Teacher judged pupils by how closely they fitted the image of the 'Ideal Pupil"
          • It was based on the work, appearance and conduct (behaviour)
            • Middle class fitted closely to the image where as the working class further away because they were misbehaved
      • Rist's
        • Teachers use information about a child's background and appearance to place them in separate groups, seating them differently
        • The fast learners = Tigers were the middle class.
          • they had neat clean appearances ad the teacher showed great encouragement
        • Other groups = Clowns were the working class
          • They were given lower level books and fewer chances to show ability
            • They had to read as a group not an individual
    • Internal Factors
      • Factors with in schools such as interaction between pupils and teachers and inequalities
    • Self- Fulfilling Prophecy
      • This is a prediction that come true simply because it has been made
      • Step 1; The teacher labels the pupil and makes a prediction about them
        • Step 2; The teacher treats the pupil accordingly acting as if the prediction is already true
          • Step 3; The pupil internalises it which becomes his self-image so now he is the pupil the teacher labelled him
      • if the teachers expectation is low the children may then develop a negative self seeing themselves to fail
    • Pupil Subcultures
      • Pro school subculture
        • Mainly the middle class placed in higher streams and labelled successful
          • They committed to the school values, gain they status through academic success
      • Anti school Subculture- Lacey
        • Mainly the middle class, placed in lower sets/ streams
          • The suffer a loss of self-esteem with the school undermining their self worth
            • They have to gain their status in another way with was inverting the school values of hard work obedience and punctuality
        • Likely to become a self- fulfilling prophecy and lead to educational failure
      • Differentiation
        • process of teachers categorising pupils according to ability, attitude and or behaviour
      • Polarisation
        • Process which pupils respond to streaming by going into subcultures
    • Streaming
      • Separating children into different ability groups or classes where each group is taught differently
      • A-to-C economy
        • Teacher less likely to see working class pupils as having an ability
          • Pupils then placed into lower streams and entered for a lower tier in GCSE= widens differences in achievement
        • Schools need to achieve good league of table position if they want to attract funding and pupils
          • Leads to them only focussing their time on those that have the ability to get 5 or more GCSEs, C or above
        • Called the Triage
          • Categorises pupils into 3 types
            • Those who will pass= left to get on with it
            • Those with potential will get help to achieve a C or better
            • Hopeless cases, doomed to fail
      • Differentiation
        • process of teachers categorising pupils according to ability, attitude and or behaviour


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