Christianity Practices

  • Created by: Study768
  • Created on: 03-06-18 10:32
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  • Christianity Practices
    • Evangelism
      • They believe to spread the word of Christianity, preaching and aiming to convert people to their faith of Christianity
      • supported because Jesus told his disciples to spread his teachings and message and those who believe in him will receive salvation and people into evangelism see this as the many reason to try and convert people
    • Sacraments
      • There are seven sacraments followed by Catholics, and orthodox christians
        • Marriage
          • Seen to be a holy sacrament and where Jesus performed his first miracle
        • Confirming
          • Committing to you faith when at a suitable age to accept - getting baptised again (if done so in infancy)
        • Holy Orders
          • The process of being a priest or bishop
        • Baptism
          • Immersing yourself in water just as Jesus in order to cleanse your sin
        • Eucharist
          • Receiving salvation by eating and drinking the body (bread) and blood(wine) of Jesus
        • anointing of the sick
          • When a priest or bishop puts a oil of the sick on  seriously ill person and this is believed to renew their faith through the holy spirit and help them cope with their illness as well as connect with the suffering of Christ and have their sins forgiven and them healed if God wills it
        • Reconcilation
          • When you ask for forgiveness for your sins and the priest gives you actions you may do to resolve this
      • Protestants follow two: Baptism and Eucharist
    • Baptism
      • Infancy Baptism
        • Done when a child and is the way the child enters the faith and community
      • Believer's Baptism
        • Done at a suitable age when an individual is ready to decide if they want to enter the faith
    • Worship
      • Prayer
        • Jesus taught the people the lord's Prayer which is he most common prayer being formal and said at services at church
        • Personal prayers are made to god in the form of: petition (asking for something also known as supplication), thanksgiving,(thanking God) Intercession (ask help for others), Adoration(in praise of God), Confession
        • it is a means to communicate to God individually and to strengthen the christian community bringing a sense of unity.
      • Importance
        • communication with God strengthens faith and makes you feel closer to god giving a sense of Peace
      • Types of Worship
        • Liturgical- which follows a set routine
        • Non-liturgical doesn't ollow a set routine
        • spontaneous or charismatic which is informal and spirit inspired
        • Quaker meetings which have no leader or set structure
        • Done through Sunday services, prayer, Bible readings, Rosary beads, singing and so om.
    • Eucharist
      • Is the process of getting salvation and is done by the giving of bread and wine
      • Represent the last supper of Jesus and the giving of thanks
      • Roman Catholics believe in transubstantiation which is the belief that the bread and wine do become the body and blood of Jesus. Protestants and orthodox dn't believe this saying it is symbolic and is a way to bring he community together
      • Roman Catholics believe that they get the saving power from the bread and wine and other Christians believe that it is ore that an intellectual commemoration of the last supper but they don't take this literally believing that there is a spiritual connection of the Holy Spirit
    • Pilgrimage
      • It is a journey for reflection and is a way Christians deepen their faith with God
      • Catholics tend to go to places of the saints such as Lourdes in which Mary was believed to be sighted and seen to show a water well which is now seen as healing water
      • Protestants prefer a place less commercialised or a place which the can read the Bible or worship in a monestary
    • Christian Charities
      • Poverty
        • When you have no shelter, clothes, water and food you are in absolute Poverty
        • Christians help people and support charities because Jesus taught them to do so saying love your neighbour and teaching them to help those in need like the Good Samartin or when they help others they help Jesus as shown in the parable in the goat and sheep
      • Local communities
        • Street pastors are christian volunteers who patrol late Friday nights helping those in trouble wii heir local community
        • Food banks take food donations from the local community and give them to homeless shelters
      • Reconciliation
        • When people unite and make peace with each other. For example confessing your sins and sking for forgiveness
      • Persecuted
        • People are persecuted because of their religion being killed or imprisoned because of it.
        • Christians would make petitions with government, and donate money or Bibles to help them continue worship in secret
    • Festivals
      • Christmas
        • It is the celebration of the birth of Christ celebrated by most Christians on the 25th of December
        • Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox churches hold 'Midnight Mass' on the day
        • Celebrated by exchanging gifts which symbolises the gift Jesus is
        • The period of time spent waiting for the birth of Jesus is known as Advent
      • Easter
        • Celebrates the resurrection of Jesus
        • After the crucifixion Jesus was placed in the tomb and when some female followers went to anoint him two angels told them that Jesus had Resurrected
        • The 40 days before Easter are known as lent in which Christians may give up something of everyday life like tv and may have a simple fast
          • Jesus is believed to have fasted for 40 days and night in the dessert in which he gave up all temptations
        • The day in which lent begins is known as Ash Wednesday in which Christians may place ash on their foreheads which shows how sorry they are for their sins
        • The Holy Week
          • Starts with Psalms Sunday which marks Jesus' triumphant entry into Jeruslam
          • Maundy Thursday is the day which marks Jesus' last supper
          • Good Friday remembers the crucifixion of Jesus


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