Cecil Day-Lewis

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  • Cecil Day-Lewis
    • Born in Ireland in 1904, but grew up in England
    • His mother died when he was only 4
    • After his mother death, his father focused a lot of attention on his son, but Day- Lewis found it difficult to live up to his father's expectations and they had a difficult relationship
    • He was educated at Sherborne School, a boarding school
      • When he was there he met Mary King, one of the teacher's daughter's, who encouraged him to explore the natural world
        • At school they were just friends but they later got married
    • After school, he went to Oxford University, but didnt do very well in his academic studies, he did however, write a lot of poetry
    • He became friends with W.H.Auden and the writer Stephen Spender and the three were known as the 'radical poets of the 1930's' - their poetry often contained political themes
    • Became a teacher but continued to write poetry
    • By the end of the 1930's he had lost his faith in communism and his writing became less political and more personal
    • He wrote novels under the name Nicholas Blake
    • In the 1940's he had a long affair with the novelist Rosamond Lehmann but his wife didnt want to get divorced
    • Eventually she agreed, but he didnt marry Rosamond, instead marrying the actress Jill Balcan who was much younger. Their son Daniel Day-Lewis is a famous actor
    • In 1968 he was Poet Laureate
    • He died in 1972


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