Catholic Christianity-Practices-Liturgical worship

  • Created by: gracie:09
  • Created on: 21-11-22 18:53
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  • Catholic Christianity-Practices-Liturgical worship(2.2)
    • Liturgical worship is public worship that; takes place in a church,has set prayers and rituals and is structured and has a  set form which allows worshippers to feel closer to God- Main one is mass/ sacrament of the eucharist
      • Mass is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesu, Catholics believe it's their duty to attend mass on Sundays and holy days, it's when Catholics meet as a community to worship and learn the teachings of the church, mass is always the same and has a specific structure
    • Part 1:The introductory rite
      • 1) Congregation gathers and priest greets them
      • 2) sign of the cross is made
      • 3) Penitential rite- Catholics confess they've sinned  and ask God for forgiveness
      • 4) prayer called Gloria is said and prayer called the collect said-This offers all the prayers of the congregation to God
    • part 4 :The concluding rite
      • congregation gives thanks for what they have recieved
      • Final blessing- 'In the name of the father the son and the holy spirit'
      • dismissal:-priest blesses and dismisses congregation so they will use grace received at mass to build the kingdom of God's love
  • 2) sign of the cross is made
  • Part  2: The liturgy of the word( listening to Christ)
    • Contains the bible readings which are linked to the time in the liturgical year
    • 1st reading-old testament   Responsorial psalm- confregations response to the first reading            2nd reading-New testament        The gospel reading-congregation stands -high point as its words of Jesus               Nicene creed-recited by congregation to show faith     Prayers of intercession
    • Catholic Christianity-Practices-Liturgical worship(2.2)
      • Liturgical worship is public worship that; takes place in a church,has set prayers and rituals and is structured and has a  set form which allows worshippers to feel closer to God- Main one is mass/ sacrament of the eucharist
        • Mass is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesu, Catholics believe it's their duty to attend mass on Sundays and holy days, it's when Catholics meet as a community to worship and learn the teachings of the church, mass is always the same and has a specific structure
      • Part 1:The introductory rite
        • 1) Congregation gathers and priest greets them
        • 3) Penitential rite- Catholics confess they've sinned  and ask God for forgiveness
        • 4) prayer called Gloria is said and prayer called the collect said-This offers all the prayers of the congregation to God
      • part 4 :The concluding rite
        • congregation gives thanks for what they have recieved
        • Final blessing- 'In the name of the father the son and the holy spirit'
        • dismissal:-priest blesses and dismisses congregation so they will use grace received at mass to build the kingdom of God's love
  • Part 3:The liturgy of the eucharist (Meeting Christ)
    • The offertory-Bread and wine brought to altar
    • Eucharistic prayer:Last supper is re-enacted, Holy spirit is called to change the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus .This called transubstantiation(high point of mass so congregation kneels)
    • Communion rite-Catholics recieve holy communion-They share in and are nourished by christ
  • Importance
    • Jesus is present during the mass because of transubstantiation
    • sacrament  so way of receiving grace and growing closer to God and salvation
    • It is a celebration of the resurrection and so it shows eternal life
    • communal activity so it brings the community together
    • It is called a commmunion because its a way to share in communion with eachother and christ so creating the church as the body of christ
    • "Really partaking of the body of the lord in the breaking of the eucharist bread, we are taken up into communion with him and one another"- Lumen gentium
    • "The celebration of the eucharist is the heart of Christian communion"- CCC
  • Divergent views-  non liturgical worship this means-
    • Much  less formal
    • No set prayers or rituals
    • Leader is free to choose prayers, hymns ect
    • often spontaneous congregational participation


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