Carbohydrate Digestion

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  • Carbohydrate Digestion
    • Disaccharide Digestion
      • Lactose
        • digested in the small intestine where the epithelial lining produces lactase
        • the sugar found in milk
        • lactase hydolyses the glycosidic bond that links gluclose and galactose
      • Sucrose
        • this hydrolyses the glycosidic bonds in sucrose
        • the epithelial lining of the intestine releases sucrase
        • this produces two monosaccharides - glucose and fructose
        • Sucrose must be physically broken down by teeth to release it
    • Lacotse Intolerance
      • these people cannot digest lactose
      • in some people it can reduce so much that there is not enough or none at all
      • once the lactose reaches the large intestine microorganisms break it down
        • this can cause gas, nausea, cramps and diarrhoea
      • the production of lactase diminishes as an adult
    • Starch Digestion
      • Amylase hydrolyses the glycosidic bonds of starch
      • Amylase is produced in the mouth and the pancreas
      • this produces maltose
      • Maltose is then hydrolysed by maltase produced in the lining of the small intestine
      • food is broken down by the teeth giving it a large surface area
      • Saliva containing amylase enters the mouth through the salivary glands
      • pH in the stomach denatures the enzyme amylase
      • the maltase breaks down the starch into alpha gluclose


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