Capercaille, Skye Waulking Song

  • Created by: JGomm10
  • Created on: 02-02-15 20:21
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  • Capercaille, Skye Waulking Song
    • Melody
      • Vox Melody
        • Pentatonic
        • Uses low register: printed in Vox tenor clef, means sung 8ve lower than written
        • Mainly syllabic
        • Uses Gaelic (Scottish language) and vocables
    • Harmony
      • In G major, entirely diatonic
      • Three main chords, G, Em, and C
      • Dominant chord D avoided, has a more modal feel
    • Forces and Texture
      • Rythmic pattern on Drums
      • Chords on synthesiser and accordion
      • Main melody sung by voice
        • Melody
          • Vox Melody
            • Pentatonic
            • Uses low register: printed in Vox tenor clef, means sung 8ve lower than written
            • Mainly syllabic
            • Uses Gaelic (Scottish language) and vocables
      • Counter-melodies on other instruments (Violin, wurlitzer piano, uilleann pipes and bouzaki
        • Wurlitzer piano: type of early electric piano
        • Uilleann pipes: softer form of bagpipes
        • Bouzaki: Greek form of Lute
        • BassLine played by bass guitar
      • Structure
        • Vox line like this: Phrase 1 - gaelic, starts on high D Phrase 2 - vocables, starts on mid B Phrase 3 - Gaelic, starts on Low D Phrase 4 - Vocables, starts on high E
        • Intro: Instrumental Verse 1: Vox and accompaniment Verse 2: Vox and accompaniment and instrumental break Coda: Short Vox phrases echo end of refrain 1. Accompaniment fades
      • rhythym and Metre
        • Song is in 12/8 (compound Quadruple Metre)
        • Frequent syncopation in vox and instrumental countermelodies
        • Start, hi hat creates cross-rhythms. Full band enters, hi hat shows 12/8 more clearly
      • Basic Facts
        • Album: Nadurra
        • From a Long Lament: Jon, Son of the King of Ireland
        • More  than an hour start to finish
          • From a Long Lament: Jon, Son of the King of Ireland


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