C14.4 Earth's Resources

  • Created by: Lucy Hart
  • Created on: 01-02-20 12:10
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  • C14 Earth's Resources
    • 14.1 renewable + finite resources
      • sustainable development - development that meets the needs of current + future generations
      • finite - will eventually run out if we exploit them
      • crude oil
        • 1900s - set on fire, tar like substance removed, used as fuel
        • process industrialised using fractional distillation
    • C14.2 Water Safe to Drink
      • potable water - safe to drink (not clean)
      • treatment of water
      • drier climates
        • desalination - purifying salty water
        • reverse osmosis - uses membranes to seperate water + salts dissolved in it
          • uses energy as high pressure needed
    • Untitled


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