C1 Overview

  • Created by: hania04
  • Created on: 29-03-17 14:21
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  • C1 Overview
    • The Evolution Of The Atmosphere
      • Volcanoes gave out gases
      • Green plants evolved and produced oxygen
      • Complex organisms evolved
    • The Atmosphere Today
      • Nitrogen - 78% Oxygen - 21% Argon - 1%
      • Pollutant effects can directly harmful to humans of indirectly
    • Chemical Reactions
      • Chemical reactions happen when atoms are rearranged
      • Reactants and products have very different properties
      • No atoms disappear during a reaction
    • Fossil Fuels
      • Fossil fuels are hydocarbons
      • Burning fossil fuels is an example of oxidation
      • OILRIG
    • Air Pollution - Carbon
      • Carbon Dioxide
      • Carbon Monoxide
      • Particulates
    • Air Pollution - Sulphur
      • Comes from impurities in fuel
      • Sulphur pollution causes acid rain
    • Air Pollution - Nitrogen
      • Occurs in car engines
      • Nitrogen Monoxide
      • Nitrogen Dioxide
    • Reducing Pollution
      • Reducing from power stations
      • Reducing from cars


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