Business Studies

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  • Revenue, Costs and Profit
    • All businesses need to know how much money they have coming in, and how much they're spending.
      • Businesses earn most of their income from selling their products to customers.
        • Revenue can be calculated by multiplying sales (the number of units sold) by the price (the amount the customer pays)
          • Fixed costs don't vary with output (the amount a business produces). They have to be paid even if the firm produces nothing.
            • Revenue, Costs and Profit
              • All businesses need to know how much money they have coming in, and how much they're spending.
                • Businesses earn most of their income from selling their products to customers.
                  • Revenue can be calculated by multiplying sales (the number of units sold) by the price (the amount the customer pays)
                    • Fixed costs don't vary with output (the amount a business produces). They have to be paid even if the firm produces nothing.
                • Average unit cost is how much each product costs to make.
                • Profit (or loss) is the difference between revenue and costs over a period of time.
                  • Untitled
      • Average unit cost is how much each product costs to make.
      • Profit (or loss) is the difference between revenue and costs over a period of time.
        • Untitled
    • Untitled


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