Brooklyn Cop (Stanza One) - Norman MacCaig

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  • brooklyn cop - stanza one
    • 'built like a gorilla but less timid'
      • creates a cartoon like image of an American police officer
      • uses a similie
        • tells us the policeman's full physical potential because gorillas are seemed strong and brutal
      • 'but less timid' tells us that the cop is a strong and brave person but he implies that the cop is less timid than a not timid gorilla
      • Untitled
    • 'thick fleshed, steak-coloured'
      • word choice compare the cop to a piece of meat
    • 'two hieroglyphs in his face'
      • his eyes could be difficult to read
      • the hieroglyphs could be scars from previous experiences
      • hieroglyphs are carved into stone so MacCaig could be telling us his face was unchanging and stuck that way
    • 'he walks the sidewalk and the thin tissue over violence'
      • tells us that violence isn't far away
      • uses a symbol and a metaphor
        • the thin tissue is a metaphor and a sympbol for how fragile peace is and that  peace is always too close to be broken
        • tissues are easily ripped and the fact that there is a thin one over violence just shows us how violent the streets are
    • 'when he said "See you, babe" to his wife, he hoped it, he truly hoped it.'
      • the repetition of 'hoped it' emphasises the danger of the job because he might not come back. the point is made more genuine by the word 'truely'
      • humanises the cop - takes our attention away from the comparison to a gorilla
    • 'he is a gorilla'
      • repeated image from first line
      • metaphor this time, not a simile
      • emphasises his animalistic instincts and behaviours


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