Aunt Julia (Stanza Three and Four) - Norman MacCaig

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  • aunt julia - stanzas three and four
    • 'hers was the only house'
      • tells us that the poet was only comfortable sleeping in the dark in her aunts house
      • hers emphasises how important she was to him
    • 'in the absolute darkness of a box bed, listening to crickets being friendly'
      • to kids, darkness is scary. in his aunts house darkness isn't scary but instead comforting
      • the box bed suggests that he feels cozy, safe and comforted
      • crickets being friendly tells us that he is enjoying the sounds of the natural world, away from the city
    • 'she was buckets and water flouncing into them'
      • to him, his aunt seems larger than life and is connected to the elements
      • 'she was winds pouring wetly round house-ends'
        • 'she was brown eggs, black skirts and a keeper of threepennybits in a teapot'
          • the fact that she kept money in a teapot showed that she was frugal and made use of what she had
          • brown eggs tells us that she had her own chickens
          • her black skirt tells us that she was practical and didn't care about how she looked
        • another way of saying that she was connected to the elements
        • she was completely at home in the natural world and wasn't bothered by the wind or the air
      • flouncing gives us the impression that she was moving with meaning
    • 'she was winds pouring wetly round house-ends'
      • 'she was brown eggs, black skirts and a keeper of threepennybits in a teapot'
        • the fact that she kept money in a teapot showed that she was frugal and made use of what she had
        • brown eggs tells us that she had her own chickens
        • her black skirt tells us that she was practical and didn't care about how she looked
      • another way of saying that she was connected to the elements
      • she was completely at home in the natural world and wasn't bothered by the wind or the air
    • the metaphors describing Julia
      • describe her as a person
      • as well as describing her as a person, the metaphors are symbols for the lost way of how she lived
      • despite the way his aunt works, the young MacCaig admires that style of life


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