British Values in Health and social care

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  • British Values
    • Democracy
      • Democracy is a key part of health and social care. Its main influence it has in health and social care is through The Equality Act 2010. The Equality Act protects the following characteristics: Age,disability,gender reassignment,marriage and civil partnership,pregnancy and maternity,race,religion or belief,sex and sexual orientation
    • Rule of Law
      • the restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by subordinating it to well-defined and established laws.
        • All legislation shows how rule of Law is demonstarted in health and social care. Some legislation includes:Data Protection Act 1985,The Equality Act 2010,The Care Act 2014,The Health And Social Care Act 2012,The Children Act 2004,Human Rights Act 1998.
    • Respect and tolerance
      • Equality:Ensuring people are treated fairly and meeting individual needs. All individuals are given the same opportunities regardless of needs and differences.
        • Diversity:Recognising and valuing that every individual and unique.
    • Individual Liberty
      • Advocacy:Getting support from another person in order to help the individual express their own views and wishes and ensure their voice is heard.
        • Empowerment:Allows individuals to take responsibility to take responsibility for own lives and have control over their life.


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