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  • Brief Two
    • Alcohol
      • Broadcast
        • Tatty man on the street and then flash back to how he got in that position due to the use of alcohol
          • then show his life if he didn't drink and how he is happy with a family
      • Print
        • Posters that show a drunk dominant man hitting a little girl
          • Targets the mothers of the drunk husband by playing on the sympathy and caring
    • Smoking
      • Print
        • Have a pregnant lady smoking and photo shop the smoke going through her body down to the baby and say 'You are ruining your child's future before it has even begun'
      • E-media
        • Set up a webpage to try and get a helpline but also a place where you can see stories of people who have a bad experience smoking
    • Dementia
      • Broadcast
        • Man on a seat at the Christmas dinner table  staring into the camera with a family around him with a man talking over him telling him the audience about his problem
      • Print
        • Website to give support to the families of the man with dementia by having a forum  and an ask us pop up on the page
    • Gambling
      • E-media
        • A website which offers 3 options in the drop down bar: A help section, a forum full with stories and how you know when you are addicted
      • Print
        • have a poster targeting the mothers of the gamblers and how they are betting away their lives
        • targets the younger gamblers about how they are betting their future away
        • Targeting the gamblers who are addicted and are in debt. mention cases on how people commit suicide because of their debt problems


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