Breakdown in romantic relationships

All the information needed to answer 'outline and evaluate theories for the breakdown in relationships'

  • Created by: chlopride
  • Created on: 29-09-15 20:57
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  • Breakdown of Romantic Relationships
    • Duck- Factors for relationship breakdowns
      • Lack of stimulation: need for variation in the relationship or boredom.
        • Lack of skills: lack of interpersonal skills often reflects as a disinterest in the relationship causing break down.
          • Lack of maintenance: when a relationship is at a long distance partners find it difficult to see it each other and therefore maintain, often causing breakdown, for example going off to university: Shaver
        • Boekhout: looked at reasons for extra-marital breakups. Men often claimed lack sexual excitement of variety. whereas women claimed lack or attention and emotional satisfaction.
    • Lee's five stage model for relationship breakdown
      • dissatisfaction exposure negotiation resolution termination
        • Lee investigated 112 premarital break-ups and found that exposure and negotiation were the most exhausting stages.
          • People who claimed to have not experienced these stages tended to be less intimate with their exes during their relationship.
    • Rollie and Duck's 'more complex' model for relationship breakdown
      • Breakdown: dissatisfaction within the relationship occurs
        • Intraspsychic: dissatisfied partner focuses on flaws within the relationship and begins to socially withdraw.
          • Dyadic: concerns within the relationship are discussed, this is the point where partners often make promises to change, or the breakdown of the relationship continues.
            • Social: Break up is made public. Support from third parties is sought and alliance building and scapegoating often occurs.
              • Grave dressing processes: accounts of the breakup are circulated and why the relationship died. Different stories may be offered to different audiences. Individuals begin to rebuild their self-esteem.
                • Resurrection: preparations are made for future relationships.
      • Ao2 Tashiro and Frazer: surveyed students who had recently broken up with their partner, typically they reported experiencing emotional distress but also personal growth.
        • Ao3: Age and intellect biased: breakdown is different in adults, for example adult relationships often have more commitments such as shared houses.
      • Akert criticises he model claiming there are individual differences. For example person initiating the breakup often reports less negative consequences as they have alreay come to terms with the breakup.
        • Ao3: Gender differences
          • Reductionism
            • Deterministic
              • Cultural biased
                • Sensitive research
                  • For example abused partner may not want to particpate in research out of fear.
                • research largely based upon white, western, heterosexual relationships
              • Doesn't take into account other factors within the relationship breakdown: merely looks at the stages. Also ignores free will and that people may want to break up
            • Theories don't account for such gender differences therefore they must be reductionist and oversimplified failing to consider more complex processes
          • Kassin: Men and women point to differnces is breakdown. Women stress unhappiness and incompatability, whilst men blame lack of sex


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