  • Created by: cutesypup
  • Created on: 11-05-17 10:44
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  • Booker T. Washington (1856-1915)
      • He believed hard work, education and seriousness of purpose would lead to African Americans showing their true worth and increasing their prospertiy.
      • The hostility shown by whites towards the uneducated underclass of agricultural workers emphasised Washington's views that political civl rights should be abandoned for personal improvement
      • Told African Americans to 'dip your bucket': to take responsibility for their own progress and accept white supremacy.
      • Washington was invited to the White House by Theodore Roosevelt in 1901 and he become an informal adviser to him and Taft.
      • 1881: Founded the Tuskegee Institute to train teachers.
      • 1901: Founded the National Business League to encourage African Americans economic enterprise.
      • Co-operated with white leaders and had support from wealthy businessmen.
        • The millionaire Industrialist Andrew Carnegie gave Washington $600,000 in bonds.
      • He did not campaign openly against discrimination in the south.
      • He was criticised by those who sought more radical aims and he was respected by the white community.
      • Was described as a 'dry nationalist'


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