Unit 2; Core Studies; Bocchiaro et al

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  • Bocchiaro et al
    • Hypotheses
      • higher % will obey than in Milgram's
      • lower level of whistle-blowing than disobedience
      • substantial over-estimate of tendency to  disobey
      • weak effects of various personality variables
    • Sample: 149 VU uni students. 11 removed for suspicion
      • 53 men, 96 women, average age: 20.8 years
      • volunteered from flyers in cafeteria, given 7 euros
    • IV: none DV: participant response
    • Procedure
      • 1. greeted by formally dressed experimenter who asked for names of fellow students
      • 2. presented sensory deprivation study cover story
      • 3. traumatic effects on those participants
      • 4.  wanted to replicate study at VU with young people as more sensitive
      • 5. asked to write to named students encouraging them to join, could only use positive words
      • 6. given 3 mins alone and then 7 mins to do task.
      • 7. had a form asking if experiment protected its participants
      • 8. given debrief & personality inventory
    • Results
      • Obeyed: 76.5% but 3.6% said they would've
      • Disobey: 14.1% but 31.9% said they would've
      • Whistle-blew: 9.4% but 64.5% said they would've
      • people of faith more likely to whistle-blow
    • Ethics: only deception broken
    • Reliability & Validity
      • IR: standardised procedure
      • ER: sample large enough with patterns occuring
      • IV: participant variable in their morality, some may have given false names
      • EV: small age range but similar to real life; asked to do surveys at uni
    • Ethnocentrism
      • only applicable to young dutch people
    • Summary
      • Social: Participants felt obliged even if they didn't want to cause harm
      • Response to authority: more likely to obey to those in power
    • Debates: reductionism vs holism
      • used personality tests to see if behaviour came from elsewhere


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