Biological explanations of OCD

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  • Biological Explanations of OCD
    • The are two possible biological explanations; genetic transmission and damage to the neural mechanisms
    • The biological approach suggests the role of abnormal behaviour physical functions explain behaviour
    • Neural explanations
      • Dopamine and serotinin are two neurotransmitters that affect mood
        • The frontal lobes are involved in planning and decision making. It is seen that activity levels in this part of the brain are increased as the client obsessively thinks about their worries
          • Sysmnski reported that there is some evidence that throat infections through streptococcal bacteria create sudden OCD symptoms through damage to the neural systems. This can be treated an cured by antibotics
      • We don't know whether brain and neural changes cause OCD or are a results of OCD
      • Anti-depressants typically work by increasing levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. These drugs are effective in reducing the symptoms of OCD
    • Genetic explanations
      • OCD appears to run in families. Research over the years with twin and family studies has put it's heritability  at around 45%
        • The diathesis-stress model suggests that there may be characteristics that can be inherited then switched by a successful event later in life
        • Several genes have been identified as relevant they are called candidate genes for example OCD may be associated with a rare combination of two mutations  within the human serotonin transporter gene
      • Twins studies can be flawed because MZ twins usually share alot of similar environments as well as genes so it's hard to separate genetics from the environment
      • Using gene mapping. Samuels found out their was a genetic link with hoarding behaviour


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