Fundamental and Liberal Views on the Bible.

  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 10-06-13 17:14
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  • Bible's Authority:
    • Fundamentalists
      • Fundamentalists believe that the bible is all true with no errors.They believe the Bible has verbal inerrancy as even though it was written by men it should be taken as the word of God as every word written by men was inspired by God's guidance through the work of the Holy Spirit.Many do not reinterpret for the times we live in - for example 'The Amish'.
        • Advantages: There is clear guidance and a believer can have confidence in the texts 'truth'. Furthermore, it takes the bible seriously and historically.
          • Disadvantages: Difficult to maintain this view due to the inconsistencies and the errors in the Bible - for example 'The Cleansing of the Temple' is described in different ways in two different gospels which makes people ask if the cleansing occurred twice. In addition, scientific evidence goes against creationism which means it is hard to back up their view point. It can also lead to prejudice against women, homosexuals and in the past black people - during the apartheid in South Africa biblical verses were used to back up views.
    • Liberalists
      • Liberal Christians think that the Bible may be inspired by God to a certain extent but much of it is symbolic and should not be taken word for word. However, they do think that there is an essence of the truth as the writers seem to have a deep insight into God so they think the Bible records experiences of people seeking after God.
        • Advantages:This is a more personal way of viewing the Bible as it is up to the Christian to decide what to take from it. It also means that the errors that seem to be in the Bible are not an issue and that Scientific advancement does not question their faith as many see the creation story as a symbolic poem for what actually happened.
          • Disadvantages: They cannot use the Bible to teach others as it is up to a person to decide what to take from it. They are essentially picking and choosing which parts to take symbolically. Furthermore, the authority of the Bible is reduced and your lifestyle is not effected by your beliefs. There is not a sense of inspiration.
  • Disadvantages: Difficult to maintain this view due to the inconsistencies and the errors in the Bible - for example 'The Cleansing of the Temple' is described in different ways in two different gospels which makes people ask if the cleansing occurred twice. In addition, scientific evidence goes against creationism which means it is hard to back up their view point. It can also lead to prejudice against women, homosexuals and in the past black people - during the apartheid in South Africa biblical verses were used to back up views.


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