Belsky & Rovine 1988 - negative effects of daycare

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  • Belsky & Rovine 1988
    • Aim
      • look at infants in the first year of life and see the effects of non-maternal care using the strange situation procedure
    • Sample
      • 90 males
      • 59 females
      • middle class background
      • 38 infants in full time daycare
      • 20 infants in high part time daycare
      • 24 infants in low part time daycare
      • 67 infants in mother care group
    • Procedure
      • interviews carried out when baby was 3 months old
        • again at 9 and 12 months
          • find out about parents' employment and childcare arrangements
      • strange situation procedure
        • 12 months with mothers
        • 13 months with fathers
    • Findings
      • more full time daycare infants were classed as insecurely attached (47%) than those with little/no daycare (25%)
      • low part time daycare showed fewer insecure attachments than those in high part time daycare
      • those in daycare for more than 20 hours had more insecure attachments than those in for less than 20 hours
    • Conclusions
      • infants in extensive care are more likely to be insecurely attached to mothers
      • sons in full time care are more likely to be insecurely attached to their fathers
      • extensive non-maternal care in the first year of life is associated with insecure patterns of attachment


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