
  • Created by: Chaden29
  • Created on: 03-12-21 14:20
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  • Bandura- theory of imitation
    • Bandura wanted to test whether children learn through nature or nurture.
    • He used his famous experiment with the bobo doll
      • This was carried out by having an adult be violent towards a doll and then put the child in the same situation and most of them did the exact replica of the adult and even to the smallest detail e.g. using the tools to cause harm.
    • The stress diathesis model is a psychological model which helps to showcast how stress is caused by life events.
      • This could be for nature or nurture reasons which are genetically coded or due to environmental impacts.
        • According to his theory some are born with the genetically predisposition to certain mental illnesses more than others.
          • These genetic predispositions can be increased in likelihood from environmental reasons but not always. E.g. If you have the gene for diabetes you are more likely to have it if you choose to live an unhealthy lifestyle.


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