Baby and Infant vaccines

  • Created by: LisaMoore
  • Created on: 20-06-16 17:15
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  • Baby and infant vaccines
    • whooping cough/ pertussis
      • Cause = Bortetella Pertussis (bacteria)
      • MOT - droplets of infected  moisture
      • Symptoms = dry/irritating/ persistent cough progresses into intense bouts of coughing and whooping sound, fever, vomiting after coughing
      • progression = symptoms get progressively worse (intense cough)
      • Long term risks = kidney failure, brain damage, seizures, pneumonia, death (rare)
    • Diphtheria
      • Cause = corynebacterium Diptherie
      • MOT = droplets of infected moisture/ contaminated foods
      • Symptoms = fever, sore throat, foul smelling/blood stained mucus, cough, dysphagia
      • Long term risks = respiratory failure, paralysis of the diaphragm, bladder problems, damage to heart and nervous system
      • Progression = toxins produced by bacteria enter bloodstream and affect organs (heart)
    • Tetanus
      • cause = Clostridium Tetani (bacteria)
      • MOT = bacteria enters body through wound / burn
      • Symptoms = muscle spasms, stiffness, fever, dysphagia
      • progression = incubation period = 4-21 days
      • Long term risks = sudden cardiac death, pulmonary embolism, kidney failure, death
    • MMR
      • Cause (Rubella and measles) = Rubeola Virus
      • Cause (mumps) Paramyoxial Virus
      • MOT (measles) = droplets
      • MOT (Mumps) = spreads like a cold/flu - close contact and touching contaminated surfaces
      • MOT (rubella) = droplets of infected moisture
      • symptoms (measles) = spotty rash, cold like symptoms, tiredness
      • Symptoms (mumps) = painful swellings on side of face, joint pain, fever
      • Symptoms (rubella) = skin rash, swollen glands, fever


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