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  • B1.4
    • Adaptations
      • to survive and reproduce, organisms require a supply of materials from their surroundings and from the other living organisms there.
      • plants compete for: light, space, water and nutrients
      • animals often compete for food, mates and territory.
      • organisms have adaptations that allow them to survive in the conditions in which they normally live.
      • extremophiles are organisms that live in extreme environments.
        • they may be tolerant to high levels of salt, high temperatures or high pressure
      • a camel has many adaptations.
        • the fat is not distributed around the body. this reduces insulation allowing more heat loss.
        • a camel can go 3-4 days without food and water.
        • fat stored in their humps provide a long term food reserve and a supply of metabolic water.
        • they are tall and thin increasing area to volume ratio increasing heat loss by radiation.
      • polar bears have many adaptations
        • they have thick skin under their fur for insulation.
        • they camouflage against the snow.
        • there large feet help to distribute their weight as they walk on ice.
        • they are compact reducing their surface area to volume ratio reducing heat loss by radiation.
      • plants are adapted to live in extreme conditions.
        • 1. changes to surface area
        • 2. water storage tissue
        • 3. extensive root system.
    • Environmental Change
      • animals and plants are subject to environmental changes.
        • these could be living or non-living such as a change in competitor or average rainfall.
      • living organisms can be used as indicators of pollution.
        • lichens can be used as indicators of the concentration of sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere.
        • invertebrate animals can be used as water pollution indicators and are used as indicators for the concentration of dissolved substances in oxygen.


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