attitudes to food and eating behaviour

  • Created by: Atlanta
  • Created on: 02-01-13 14:46
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  • Attitudes to food and eating behaviour
    • social learning
      • Parental modelling - parents buy and serve the food in the home, so undoubtadly affect eating behaviour, however there is also a link between parents and childrens attitudes to food.
        • A02 - Brown and Ogden found consistent correlations between parents and their children in terms of snack food intake, eating motivations and body dissatisfaction.
        • A02 - Fisher found best predictors of a daughter's eating behaviour were the mother's dietary restraint and their perception of the daughter's becoming overweight.
      • Media effects - impacts on what we eat and our food attitudes but this is limited by personal circumstances such as age, income and family circumstance.
        • A02 - Evolutionary explanations suggest are preference to fatty and sweet food is a direct result of an evolved adaptation - not learned from observation of models.
      • Gender bias - most studies have concentraited only on women's attitudes to eating, particularly in terms of body dissatisfaction, however studies have shown homosexuality in men puts them at risk of development of disordered eating and behaviour.
    • Cultural influences
      • Ethnicity - it is suggested that body dissatisfaction and related eating concerns/disorders are more characteristic of white women than black or asian women.
        • A02 - Munford et al found insidence of bulimia was greater among asian schoolgirls than white girls.
        • A02 - Rozin et al suggests that food functions differently in the minds of people from different cultures, america - food associated with health, france - food associated with pleasure/.
      • Social class -  A number of studies have found that body dissatisfaction, dieting behaviour and eating disorders are more common in higher class individuals.
        • A02 - Dornbusch et al in a survey of 7000 US adolescents found higher class females had a greater desire to be thin and were more likely to diet to achieve this than lower class people.
        • A02 - However Story et al found higher social class was related to greater satisfaction with weight and lower rates of weight control behaviours ie. vomiting.
    • mood and eating behaviour
      • Binge eating/comfort  eating - anxiety tend to occur prior to binge eating.
        • A02 - Garg et al found when  watching either a upbeat or sad film, participants in the sad film consumed 36% more popcorn than those in the happy film, but the happy film group ate far more grapes, grapes extend the happiness, junk food jolts them out of the dumps.




A very helful and detailed mind map, well done :-)

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