AS AQA Biopsychology

  • Created by: chaztil
  • Created on: 01-01-20 16:51
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  • AS Bio psychology
    • the nervous system
      • the peripheral nervous system goes to and from the cns
        • somatic nervous system- controls muscle movement and receives info from sensory receptors
        • autonomic nervous system - controls all vital functions in the body (breathing, heart rate, arousal and stress responses)
      • the structure and function of neurons - they are nerve cells that process and transmit electrical and chemical messages
        • the structure of a neuron- need to label
          • myelin sheath- protects the axon and speeds up electrical transmission
          • terminal buttons - communicate with the next neuron through a synapse
          • axons- carry impulses away from the cell body down the length of the neuron
          • cell body - contains a nucleus holding the genetic material
          • nodes of ranvier - break up the myelin sheath so it doesnt have a slowing effect by forcing the transmission to 'jump' the gaps
        • types of neuron
          • motor
          • sensory
          • relay
        • electric transmission - inside of a neuron negatively charged compared to outside in resting state, due to a stimulus inside also becomes positively charged for a split second causing an action potential, that creates an electrical impulse that travels down the axon
      • the central nervous system
        • the brain - click the link and learn about the frontal lobe- Broca area- motor *****- sensory *****- parietal lobe- Wernickes area- temporal lobe- occipital lobe
        • the spinal cord - extension of the brain, responsible for the reflex arc
  • the structure and function of neurons - they are nerve cells that process and transmit electrical and chemical messages
    • the structure of a neuron- need to label
      • myelin sheath- protects the axon and speeds up electrical transmission
      • terminal buttons - communicate with the next neuron through a synapse
      • axons- carry impulses away from the cell body down the length of the neuron
      • cell body - contains a nucleus holding the genetic material
      • nodes of ranvier - break up the myelin sheath so it doesnt have a slowing effect by forcing the transmission to 'jump' the gaps
    • types of neuron
      • motor
      • sensory
      • relay
    • electric transmission - inside of a neuron negatively charged compared to outside in resting state, due to a stimulus inside also becomes positively charged for a split second causing an action potential, that creates an electrical impulse that travels down the axon
  • dendrites- branch like structures that carry impulses from other neurons to the cell body


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