AO2: Tackling obesity

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  • AO2: Tackling obesity
    • Using informational social influence
      • Sports stars appearing in healthy living adverts
      • Celebrities with influence e.g. chefs (Jamie Oliver)
      • Science/PE teachers informing children about obesity
      • NHS workers e.g. GP's and dietary specialists warning of obesity risks
    • Using normative social influence
      • Health promotion showing what peers are doing
        • Posters in school canteens and offices
        • Showing what others have done to lose weight e.g. fitness programmes
    • Why ISI and NSI will work
      • ISI
        • Authorities have better information
        • Accepting their opinion because they are more likely to be 'right'
        • People want to be 'right,' and so follow the behaviour of an authority
        • About who has the better information
      • NSI
        • About norms
        • People follow the main behaviours of the group, because they don't want to be rejected
        • Emotional process rather than cognitive
    • Authority figures (Milgram: 1963)
      • Research shows people are more likely to obey an authority figure
      • The 'experimenter' wore a lab coat to appear more authorative
      • In variations where the 'experimenter' was not an authority figure i.e. a member of the public, obedience levels fell


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