Cognitive therapies on depression (AO1 +AO3)




D- Dispute the irrational thoughts - is the infomation logical?

E- effects of disputing the thought - ask to go get proof about thoughts?

F- Produces new feelings - more positive thinking 

Homework- Practise outside of therapy testing their irrational beliefs 

Behavioural- Do more pleasureable activities 

Cognitive- Rewards yourself as a human being 

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BECK: CBT model

Based on the cognitive approach that depression caused by faulty thoughts - therefore CBT aims to alter these faulty thoughts. 


CBT - Tackle illogical irrational thoughts 

1) Collaborative empricism - Patient and therapist - work together to set goals and work out what they want at the end of the therapy. 

2) Reality testing  -  ge the patient to test their thoughts and bring evidence. 

3) Homework - challenge their thoughts outside of the session 

i session every 10 -12 days 

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One major strength is that it`s used in health care today

helps people with a range of disorders: depression, anxiety, phobias useful for mental illnesses. 

Therefore, it has practical applications - therapy works so has external validity. 

CBT can be difficult 

relies on the patient to chane their faulty thoughts - can be difficult as the patient needs to be willing. Moreover, t may not even be down to biology. 

Therefore the therapy is limited

Can be long and expensive compared to drugs 

one-to-one therapy, whereas drugs is a consultation once every few months. can be expensive as £100 a session and patient may need 8-20 sessions, compared to drug it cost the NHS more money. 

However, in the long-term it`s cheaper as drugs tend to take longer.

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