Antigone-Character Traits 

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  • Antigone-Character Traits
    • Antigone
      • Loving and Caring-Goes out of her way to bury Polynices, doesn't care about breaking the rules, stops Ismene from condemning herself to death
      • Strong willed, goes against Creon laws, argues with Creon, Tries to make him see her point, stands up to her Kurios,
      • She's human, her moment of doubt-about not being a wife,mother etc.
      • Honourable to the gods, appealing to the Gods laws by buring Polynices.
      • Determined: To bury her brother, does not care about the outcome.
      • Hubris to an extent,: The Gods at the end had abandoned her , to be buried alive. in a walled up cave.
      • Takes her own life:instead of starving to death, willing to commit suicide for what she believed in.
      • Sticks by her convictions, except for that one moment of doubt, Antigone never wavers from her beliefs or decisions.
      • Rebelious, Goes against her uncle.
      • Passionate and brave, her speeches about her convictions show passion wouldn't change her mind, risking her life to correct the wrong done to her brother.
      • Contradictory- changes her mind, doesn't want to die (duality) wouldn't do it for a child or husband.
      • Brave- risking her life, to correct the wrong done to her brother.
      • Could be blessed by the Gods.
      • Princess of Thebes, Creon's niece.
    • Creon
      • Stubborn- Not listening to Antigone or Tiresias, and causing people to be killed.
      • Jumps to conclusions-Haemon 'This boy I believe, is fighting on her side.' and Tiresias 'Old Man- all of you! So you shoot your arrow at my head like archers at the target.'
      • Ignorant-doesn't listen to anyone at first, even Tiresias.
      • Irrational and quick to anger- 'You and the whole breed of seers are mad for money?'
      • Very similar to Oedipus- (L498) 'And still you had the gall to break his law.' 'You have the gall to show your face before the palace gates.' Doesn't believe in the prophecies at first.
      • Disrespectful to the Gods- won't bury Polynices, doesn't believe what Tiresias is saying as a prophecy.
      • Loving at the end- when finding out Haemon killed himself.
      • The new King of Thebes
      • Goes back on his word- lets Ismene live. Says that he wouldn't make the same as Oedipus and the way he was King. But Creon becomes exactly like Oedipus, goes on about how the City is his and they should obey him.
      • Arrogant-talks about power and the city belonging only to him.
      • Repentful/Remorseful- He speaks about whether its to late to apologise about what happened. He exiles himself.
      • Condemns people by association-Condemning Ismene and Haemon into being in on the plot to bury Polynices.
      • Cautioned by lots of people that it's going to end badly- doesn't listen to people.
      • Poor leader- abuses power for own ends.
      • Corrupted-power has corrupted him (duality) (Oedipus similarities)
      • Erratic-quick to blame everyone.
      • Paranoid-thinks everyone is out to get him.
      • Respectful- to the Theban Elders at the beginning of the play.
      • Periclean-in his speeches and early ideals.
    • Haemon
      • Loving- protecting Antigone from Creon, siding with her, killing himself after she commits suicide.
      • Passionate-Tries to kill his father after Antigone kills herself.
      • Contradictory-stated he is on Creon's side, but ultimately changes his mind and sides with Antigone.
      • Level headed- tries to talk Creon round without himself getting angry in the progress. Tries to fix the relationship and smooth things over with them both. 'I rejoice in your success, father-nothing more precious to me in the world.' 'Now don't, please, be quite so single minded, self involved, or assume the world is wrong and you are right.'
      • Lacks power- is not able to stop Creon sentencing Antigone and is powerless to stop her from committing suicide.
      • Spiteful- Blames Creon and trys to lunge for him and kill him after Antigone's death, before killing himself, Robs him of his heir.
      • Observant- sees how Creon's rule is effecting the people of Thebes.
      • Caring- tries to get his father to change his mind, so he won't regret it later. so he will be loved by the people.
      • Is honest- Tells Creon the truth about what's happening , not what he wants to hear.
      • The loving half of Antigone- Haemon's love for her is shown- can suggest that Antigone has this side as well.- Emphasises her moral 'correctness' and Creon's 'incorrectness.'
      • Periclean- cares for the city.
    • Tiresias
      • Wise- points out what Creon had done wrong.
      • Trusted by Creon- Called upon when there is trouble.
      • Sticks to his convictions- fearless- does not waver from his beliefs even when branded a traitor for them.
      • Blind in his vision and eyes-covered by clouds (sacrilegious clouds- can't commune with the Gods because of what happens)
      • Instrument of the Gods - prophecies spoken through him , proof of fate, above human control.
      • Spiteful- reveals Creon's fate when offended by Creon's accusations- used as a weapon.
      • Messenger of truth- reveals consequences of ignorant actions.


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