Anti-Corn Law League

  • Created by: UrsyB
  • Created on: 18-03-19 19:11
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  • Anti-Corn Law League
    • Aims
      • Repeal the Corn Laws
      • Allow the workers to be able to feed themselves
    • Methods
      • Bills introduced to Parliament
      • Memorabelia such as jugs and cups
      • Influencing elections through voter registration
      • One-Issue group
    • Key Events
      • 1815, Parliament passed the Corn Laws
      • 1833, first Anti-Corn Law league
      • 1837-45, Annual votes in Parliament
      • 1844 - Good harvest
      • 1845 - Bad harvest led to an awful famine in Ireland
      • 1846 - Corn Laws repealed
    • Significance
      • Long Term
        • Challenged the influence of the land-owning classes
      • Short Term
        • First time the government acted in the interests of the poor over the landed gentry
        • Demonstrated the political power of the urban classes
    • Key individuals
      • Robert Peel
        • Primeminister at the time, repealed the corn laws in 1846


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