Animal Rights

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  • Animal Rights
    • Religious Views
      • For
        • "A human may be worth many sparrows, but even a sparrow does not die unnoticed."-Matthew (10:29-31)
        • "The righteous care for the needs of animals" Proverbs (12:10)
      • Against
        • "God blessed them and said 'Be fruitful, and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'"-Genesis (1:28)
    • Animals in Captivity
      • Animals are often kept in zoos or circuses.
        • The conditions of their living circumstances are questionable as we can't be sure that they are being cared for correctly.
      • Could class animals that are pets as animals in captivity.
        • Pets aren't always given love, attention and the life they need.
    • Stewardship or Dominion
      • Stewardship-The belief that humans are responsible for the world and should take care of it.
      • Dominion-Humans having power over animals
        • I believe that it is more a dominion society within religion when it comes to animal rights.
          • Animals are mindlessly and needlessly killed for people to eat, profit from or just gain pleasure from.
            • It is unnecessary but people interpret religious quotes how they wish and, if they believe a certain quote tells them to hunt, they will not change their mind.
    • Wild Animals
      • The first thing to come to my mind when I think of wild isn't 'free', it's hunted. A large majority of wild animals are hunted by humans for no particular reason.
      • These animals are living in the conditions that they need for survival.
        • However, some are struggling to survive due to hunting. It isn't safe for them, yet it's supposed to be their home.
    • Human and Animal Relationship
      • Humans tend to have a sort of 'over-rule' of animals. They take them in as pets and use them for entertainment.
      • Although the relationship between a human and an animal can sometimes be loving, it can also sometimes be cruel.
      • If an animal harms a human, then the animal gets killed. However, if a human hurts an animal, no punishment is given.
        • Unless it's an animal that is protected by certain laws. Even then, humans barely get any punishment.
          • Example:
            • Tilikum the Orca
              • Tilikum was captured in 1983 aged 2.
                • He was around 13 feet long and was taken from his family and home.
                  • He was transported to SeaWorld and trained to perform using a technique that involved food being withheld from him, whilst being attacked by two dominant female orcas into their tiny round 'home'.
                    • He was forced to perform every hour, on the hour, eight times a day and seven days a week. The stress gave him stomach ulcers.
                      • Food was withheld from him and his tank mates if he performed a trick incorrectly. Both the female orcas would rake his entire body with their teeth as a punishment.
                        • In 1991, Tilikum killed the first of 3 victims. He dragged her to the bottom of the pool due to his frustration. SeaWorld then sold him  and closed its doors for good.
                          • SeaWorld used his sperm to build up a collection of orcas, so now, 54% of orcas have his genes.
                            • His frustration caused him to kill another 2 people: one in 1999 and another in 2010.
                              • He was then kept in a tiny enclosure until he was allowed to perform again.
                                • It has been said that he found freedom in his death.


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