
  • Created by: T Baker
  • Created on: 09-06-13 14:53
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  • Aggression
    • Social Learning Theory
      • 4 Stages of Social Learning
        • Motivation
          • The child must create a mental representation of the event
            • Rewards and punishments
        • Retention
          • Remembering the message
        • Production
          • High enough self-efficacy
          • Producing the behaviour
        • Attention
          • Observation of the model which must be:
            • Identifiable to the child
            • In a position of power
            • Rewarded for the behaviour - vicarious reinforcement
    • Deindividuation
      • Based on Le Bon's theory
        • Crowd Theory
        • Group takes on a collective mind
      • Anonymity
        • Less chance of guilt
        • Less identifiable
        • Loss of moral inhibitions
      • Research
        • Rehm et al
          • Orange team clothes
          • Own clothes
          • Deindividuated children played more aggressive
        • Zimbardo
          • Deindividuated participants shocked 2X longer
        • Mullen
          • Larger the crowd the more brutal the lynching
    • Institutional Aggression Within Groups
      • Importation Model
        • Gang Membership
          • More likely to be aggressive
        • Interpersonal  Factors
          • Normative systems developed on outside  and brought in
      • Social Identity Theory
      • Emergent  Norm Theory
      • Deprivation Model
        • Situational Factors
    • Institutional Aggression Between Groups
      • Genocide
        • Staub
        • Poor social conditions
        • Scapegoating
        • Dehumanisation
        • Loss of morals
        • Passivity of bystanders
      • Dehumanisation
        • Social groups not worthy of moral consideration
        • Worthless animals
      • Milgram
        • Obedience to authority
        • Nazis
    • Neural and Hormonal Mechanisms
      • Serotonin
        • Inhibits emotional stimuli
      • Dopamine
        • Amphetamines
        • Less evidence
        • Anti-psychotics
      • Testosterone
        • Adolescence
        • Effect on different areas of the brain
        • The Challenge Hypothesis
      • Cortisol
        • Mediating effect
    • Genetic Factors in Aggression
      • Twin Studies
        • Degree of similarity
        • MZ twins are more genetically alike
      • Adoption Studies
        • Difference between biological parents and adoptive parents
      • Meta-Analyses
        • Miles and Carey
          • Mode of assessment is a significant moderator
      • XYY karyotype
        • Deemed too aggressive for public
        • Height  =  only difference
      • MAOA
        • Protein
        • Dutch family aggression
        • Serotonin moderation
    • Evolutionary Explanations of Aggression
      • Fromme
        • Benign  aggression
        • Malignant aggression
      • Tinberg
        • Humans have intent to harm
      • Jealousy
        • Mate retention strategies
          • Buss
          • Developed by males
          • Protect against cuckoldry
        • Direct Guarding
          • Restricting sexual autonomy of partner
        • Negative  Inducements
      • Infidelity
        • Violence towards  pregnant partners
        • Sexual coercion
    • Group Displays of Aggression
      • Sports
        • Xenophobia
        • Territoriality
      • Warfare
        • Sexual selection
        • Costly display


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