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  • Affluence and conformity - Urbanisation and affluence
    • America was seen as a land of opportunity between 1955-63, due to new consumer goods and that many Americans lived in large houses whom of which were affluent.
      • However, although there was a growing prosperity, there were some concerns -  The Soviet Union - Conformity - young youths - the lack of traditional values - race relations
        • Cars - Cars were becoming increasingly popular after the war.  Not many cars were produced during the war a s many factories became ammunition factories.  However after the unrepresented boom post war, many people could now afford cars due to the increase in employment.  In 1955 there were 7.9 million cars produced alone.  Due to the increase in cars this caused family life to change, as cars were seen as a convenience.
          • As cars became more popular president Eisenhower constructed the HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME  - This was due to American roads being in terrible condition, 41,000 miles were constructed.  And Car ownership grew from 39.3 million in1950 to 73 million in 1960 -  These new roads inevitably caused suburbia.
          • The expansion in the suburbs was due to many reason.  In was because of the increase of black poor people in the urban areas of the cities.  Another was due to land being cheaper.  But mainly due to the(FHA), Federal housing Association, which allowed people to borrow up to 90% of the money for a house, allowing them to have a really low interest on their mortgages.  The lack of houses due to the second world war, caused a boom of construction of houses in the suburbs for the middle class white American.
            • Levi-towns - These were discovered by the Levitt brothers.  These housing estates were designed for affluent families.  These homes had large gardens and communal areas with pools.  The had ques to buy them.  They were 2 and a half times the average family income.  Levi-towns were racially exclusive in that in Pennsylvania rocks were thrown at a black mans house.
            • The changing nature of cities, was due to the white fight and the growth of people in suburban areas.  The whites used loopholes in the laws to fundamental make it hard for blacks to move into suburban areas.  They did this by; restrictive covenants, making black tenants pay high rents in poor conditions,  housing riots to push the sole family out, and when the whites were in the suburbs they refused to pay taxes for the desegregation laws.
              • Because of the white fight many Black Americans had to live in Ghettos.  They felt unwanted by America.  When the FHA issued out billions of dollars worth of mortgages, they were not allowed to issue them to people of risk or blacks that would cause a hostile response from the whites.  The highway programme caused the rise in urban decline, so congress passed an agreement to subsidise 810,000 public housing units.  However many of these failed due to poor construction.
                • Pruitt-lgoe Project -  This was a project that was meant to consist of 11 high rise apartment and house up to 10,000 people but had to be demolished in 1972 due to poor construction.  The architect of this project said he didn't know people were that destructive.  This shows the lack of federal expenditure to house black people.
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  • Overall - America was the most affluent nation as car ownership flourished causing a growth in the service industry.  The national highway programme promoted suburbs, causing a growth of Levi-towns causing a growth in urban decline and an increasing in urban ghettos.  This demonstrated racial inequality in the housing industry, due to lack of federal expenditure in projects like, PRUITT-LOGE.  However the consumer boom saw a land of prosperity, also within teenage life.


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