Aerobic Respiration.

  • Created by: eeesh
  • Created on: 23-04-19 15:42
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  • Aerobic respiration
    • 1- Glycolysis
      • Glucose is phosphorylated by adding 2 phosphate molecules, in order to make it more reactive
        • This creates 2 triose phosphate molecules and 2 molecules of ADP
          • The triose phosphate molecules are oxidised, forming 2 pyruvate molecules
            • the 2 H atoms are collected by NAD, forming NADH
              • 4 ATP are produced, ut 2 are used (so net gain = 2)
                • the 2 pyruvate molecules go to mitochondrial matrix for link reaction.
    • 2- Link reaction
      • Pyruvate molecules are actively transported into mitochondrial matrix.
      • Pyruvate are oxidised and decarboxylated
        • Nad collects H atom to form NADH, CO2 is released as a waste product.
          • This results in pyruvate being converted to acetate, which is then combined with CoenzymeA to form AcetylCoA.
      • This cycle happens twice for every glucose molecule.
    • 3- The Krebs cycle
      • AcetylCoA from link reaction combines wth 4c molecule to produce 6c molecule. CoenzymeA goes back to link reaction to be reused.
        • The 6c molecule is converted into a 5c molecule via oxidation, a C molecule is removed in the form of CO2 and a H molecule is removd to form NADH.
          • The 5c molecule is converted to a 4c molecule, redox reactions occur, producing one molecule of FADH and 2 NADH , giving a 4c molecule
            • ATP is produced by the direct transfer of a phosphate group from an intermediate to ADP.
              • ~The 4c molecule is then used to combine with a new molecule of AcetylCoA.
    • 4-Oxidative Phosphorylation
      • uses 2 NADH molecules from glycolysis.
      • H atoms are released from NADH and FADH as they're oxidised to NAD and FAD. these H atoms split into protons and electrons.
        • The electrons move along the ETC, the e's lose energy at each carrier. This energy is used by by e' carriers to pump protons into intermembrane space
          • The concentration of protons is now higher in intermembrane space than in mitochondrial matrix, so forkms electrochemical gradient
            • Protons move down electrochemical gradient, back into mitochondrial matrix via ATP synthase, which synthesises ATP from ADP +Pi.
              • (This is chemiosmosis)
              • At the end of the ETC, H+, e' and O2 combine to form H2O. oxygen is said to be the final electron acceptor.


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