A.C. 2.1 + 3.2 - Describing and Evaluating Biological Theory (UNIT 2) (3)

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  • A.C. 2.1 - Describe Biological Theories.
    • A.C. 3.2 - Evaluate Biological Theories.
      • Advantages
        • Geneticists, learned that boys with XYY, have a delay in maturation, are taller, are more physically active and have a learning difficulty.
        • Adler et al (2007) argued that it is possible that aggressive and violent behaviour is at least partly determined by genetic factors.
        • Jacob et al found they were overrepresented in the prison population.
      • Disadvantages
        • Androcentric research, as it only focuses on males, and it only occurs in men who have this XYY syndrome.
        • Deterministic approach, those who have XYY syndrome cant escape destiny
        • Not all men with XYY commit crime or act aggressively.
        • The theory ignores environmental factors i.e. upbringing. Having XYY can make you appear different which could lead to bullying or marginalization.
        • Theilgaard (1984) found correlation between XYY and criminals but doesn’t prove causation.
    • Jacob's XYY
      • XYY syndrome occurs when a male has an extra Y chromosome giving them 47 chromosomes in total.
      • Studies show male prison population has 15 in every 1000 prisoners who suffer from this XYY syndrome.
        • 1.5% in prison population
        • 0.01% in wider population
      • often referred to as 'Super Males 'due to increase in testosterone, more likely to experience aggression leading to violent behaviour.
      • John Wayne Gacy, American serial killer who sexually assaulted, tortured, and killed 33 men in the USA.
      • this is genetic,, it cant be inherited, only given by from a mother not father. it only occurs in men.


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