3rd estate summary French revolution

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  • 3rd estate summary
    • Roles in society
      • Working the land: Small amounts of land due to the land inheritance system. Poor harvests hit meaning less food so inflated prices. Fodder crops had low slaughter prices which exploited farmers.
      • Providing revenue for other classes: The first and second estates were exempt from paying taxes. This left the burden to fall on the third estate. This provoked a growing anger.
    • Rights and privaledges
      • If you had enough money you was able to avoid the corvee, i.e the bourgeoisie. Seigneurial court was where justice was denied to them. Had the responsibility of feudal dues and had no power.
    • politicisation of the third estate
      • 1- nobles aren't part of a nation as they have their own rights and privileges. 2- Absolute system is wrong interests of government. 3- third estate left with the burden from privilege classes.   4-special representative in regards to political rights. 5- third estate lack any credit for taken burden of taxes.
    • Aims in the estates general meeting in 1789
      • - Abolition of internal customs.   -Voting by head not by order.     -equality in taxation.     -proceedings dealt with swiftly and same rules of justice applies to all individuals.   -royal power limited by constitution.   -national representation should meet regularly
    • Atttitudes
      • Most anger and feeling of unrest in comparison to the other estates. This was because of the large inequality that was placed actually within the estate such as the merchants socialising with the bourgeoisie. Anger at lack of social mobility.
    • Structure
    • Consisted of a range of wealth, from the peasants up to the bourgeoisie and urban workers. The peasants made 80/90% of the population found in the estate.
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