1.2 Consequences of Rule Enforcement

1.2 Labelling Theory

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  • Consequences of Rule Enforcement
    • primary deviance- rule breaking of very little importance
    • secondary deviance- significant consequences of the responses of others
    • Becker- 'master status'
      • once a label has successfully been applied, then all other qualities become unimportant
      • deviance amplification spiral- the way in which labelling can worsen deviance
    • Cohen
      • idea that members of groups demonised by the media as 'folk devils' which causes 'moral panic' where the labels are applied by the authorities with the result that the group become more deviant
      • labelling of motorcyclists and scooter riders as dangerous 'mods and rockers' led them to form stronger links to those with the same label which became more integrated subcultures
    • labelling leads to the SFP
      • criminal and deviant behaviour occurs because individuals/ groups respond to negative labels that have been applied and which predicts that they'll end up in trouble
      • person labelled as deviant sees themselves as bad
    • labelling can lead to the formation of subcultures as individuals subjected to labels may feel a sense of shared identities with others in the same position
      • labelling of motorcyclists and scooter riders as dangerous 'mods and rockers' led them to form stronger links to those with the same label which became more integrated subcultures
    • Lemert
      • studied coastal inuits of Canada who had a problem of chronic stuttering
        • suggested the problem was caused by the great importance attached to ceremonial speech making which caused great humiliation
      • children were conscious of their parents desire for well spoken children- they became overanxious
        • led to chronic stuttering (2ndary deviance)
        • responding to parents' reaction to initial minor speech defects (primary deviance)
    • evaluation
      • highlights discrimination against ethnic groups
      • demonstrates that stats are socially constructed rather than facts about the world- lacks validity
      • deterministic- behaviour of individuals is controlled by outside forces that a person can't control


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