
What year was the study carried out in?
1 of 19
What year was the study published?
2 of 19
Who made up the sample?
24 male college students
3 of 19
How much were they paid for participating?
4 of 19
How did they decide the roles of guard and prisoner?
Flipped a coin
5 of 19
How many guards and prisoners were there?
12 of each
6 of 19
How were the guards made to feel special?
Given military style clothes, mirrored glasses, equipment and allowed to draw up the rules
7 of 19
What happened to the prisoners?
Arrested night before, blindfolded, hosed down, ankle chains and given numbers not names
8 of 19
What happened on the first night?
Prisoners rebelled
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How were prisoners punished on the first night?
Solitary confinement and taunted
10 of 19
Which prisoner broke down first?
11 of 19
How did the guards abuse their power?
Degrading and humiliating treatment
12 of 19
What happened on day 5?
Zimbardo invited his girlfriend who hated it and the following day experiment shut down
13 of 19
What type of power did the guards have?
Power without restraint
14 of 19
What is the term for abused power?
Pathology of power
15 of 19
Who admitted to showing demand characteristics in his role of guard?
David Eshelman
16 of 19
In what way did the experiment have low external validity?
Guards had no training and prisoners were not actually criminals
17 of 19
How did the experiment have low reliability?
It was not repeated and due to the individual aspects it would be hard to replicate
18 of 19
How was Zimbardo's experiment low in objectivity?
There was opinion and interpretation about what they were doing in the experiment but he did film some of it
19 of 19

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Card 2


What year was the study published?



Card 3


Who made up the sample?


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Card 4


How much were they paid for participating?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How did they decide the roles of guard and prisoner?


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