Working Memory model

Who created the WMM
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What is the working model memory
The explanation that the STM is an active store holding several pieces of info simultaneously
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What are the 3 components of the WMM
3 components (CE, VSS and PL)
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What is the additional component of the WMM
4th added in the 2000’s (EB)
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What does WMM show in regards to the MSM
Shows the MSM is oversimplified and there is more than one type of STM stores.
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What is the Central Executive (CE)
Component which oversees and co-ordinates the components of WM. Filters info.
Limited capacity and can only cope with one string of info at a time.
Also permits switch between different inputs of info.
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What did BADDELEY find in regards to the Central Executive
difficult to generate list of random numbers while switching between pressing numbers and letters on a keyboard.
CE only cope with one at a time.
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What did D'ESPOSITO ET AL find in relation to the CE
fMRI to scan prefrontal cortex was active when verbal and spatial tasks performed simultaneously but not when separately.
The brain area associated with workings of CE
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What is the Phonological loop
- Deals with auditory info and the order of info (whether words occurred before or after each other) - Similar to rehearsal in MSM limited capacity depending on amount spoken in 2 secs
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What where the 2 parts that BADDELEY found for the PL
Primary auditory store (PAS) (stored words heard) and the Articulatory process (AP) allows sub-vocal repetition of info within the store
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What did TROJANI and GROSSI find in relation to the PL
case study PL separate system to VSS
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What did BADDELEY ET AL find in relation to PL
lengths of words effects ability to process
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What is the VSP
Handles non phonological info and is the temp store of visual and spatial items and relationships within them. Helps people navigate and interact with their environment
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What are the sub sections of VSP and who were they created by
LOGIE Visual Cache (VC) stores info about form and colour Inner Scribe (IS) – stores info about physical relationship of items
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What did GATHERCOLE and BADDELEY find in relation to VSP
participants have difficulty tracking a moving point of light and describing angles of a hollow letter F simultaneously
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What did KLAUER and ZHAO find in relation to VSP
more interference between two visual tasks than a visual and spatial task so the VC and IS are separate
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What if the Episodic Buffer (EB)
Limited capacity. CE has no storage so no visual and acoustic info stored. EB the temporary store for info combined together with CE, PL, VSS and LTM.
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What did BADDELEY add to the EB
added 3rd slave system
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What did PRABHAKARAN ET AL find in relation to the EB
used fMRI scans.
Provided biological evidence of the EB that allows temporary storage of integrated information
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What did ALKHALIFA find in regards to the EB
suggests existence of a EB that holds items in working memory until they are recalled.
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What are the two main sub divisions of LTM
Explicit (conscious) and Implicit (unconscious)
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What does Explicit ad Implicit relate to
episodic and semantic
Implicit = procedural
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What is Episodic LTM
Is a form of LTM for events occurring in an individual’s life (remembering when birthday is). Its strength depends on the emotions present at the time the memory is coded. It is also affected by the level of processing at coding. It helps people distingui
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What is the prefrontal responsible for in episodic LTM
initial coding of Episodic Memories
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What is the Neocortex responsible for in the Episodic LTM
consolidation and storage
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Where are different parts of the event stored in for episodic LTM
in the relevant sensory area of the brain and connected through the hippocampus.
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What are some additional studies for Episodic LTM
TULVING 1989. Contemporary research STUDY HASSIBIS,KUMARAN and MAGUIRE 2007
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What does the Semantic LTM contain
Contains all information relating to meanings, understanding and other concept-based knowledge. The strength is down to coding and semantic memories are stronger overall then episodic ones.
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What is the semantic LTM relation to the Episodic LTM
Episodic underpins semantic as knowledge is learnt from experience. Episodic moves to semantic overtime becoming separate to episodic
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Why is there arguments over which part of the brain is responsible for Semantic LTM
Believed to be hippocampus however coding associated with frontal and temporal lobes.
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What did KROENIG find in relation to the semantic LTM
64 animal drawings Alzheimer’s vs non-Alzheimer’s.
suggested that semantic memories involve different processes and brain areas
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What did VICARI et al find in relation to the Semantic LTM
case study of CL.
Suggested that the episodic and semantic memory are separate systems using separate areas with the hippocampus = episodic and Perirhinal cortex = sematic
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What is the procedural LTM
Not conscious.
Responsible for the performance of particular types of actions.
Semantic and procedural work together in speech.
People can perform other conscious tasks at the same time as procedural
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What does procedural relate to in terms of areas of the brain
Procedural = neocortex areas of the primary motor cortex, cerebellum and prefrontal cortex and doesn’t need the hippocampus to function
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What did FINKE ET AL find in relation to the Procedural
case study musical knowledge retained even with damage to semantic and episodic
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What did VAN GORP ET AL find in relation to the procedural LTM
37 cocaine users with 27 non abusing controls. 45 days.
Caused dopamine increase when abstained.
Dopamine plays a part in the procedural LTM.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The explanation that the STM is an active store holding several pieces of info simultaneously


What is the working model memory

Card 3


3 components (CE, VSS and PL)


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


4th added in the 2000’s (EB)


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Shows the MSM is oversimplified and there is more than one type of STM stores.


Preview of the back of card 5
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