WM 1- alcohols

  • Created by: anabob
  • Created on: 22-01-18 20:22
why are the boiling points of alcohols higher than that of compounds with similar Mr?
there's hydrogen bonding between the O and H
1 of 17
what happens as the hydrocarbon chain of an alcohol gets longer?
influence of -OH bond on properties become less important so properties become more similar to the alkane
2 of 17
how does solubility change as alcohols get larger?
becomes less soluble
3 of 17
what conditions are needed to dehydrte alcohols to alkenes?
heated alumina catalyst, 300 degrees or reflux with conc. H2SO4
4 of 17
what would be the product of the nucleophilic substitution reaction: CH3CH2CH2CH2OH + H+ +Br-?
5 of 17
in which two ways can an alcohol undergo esterification?
using carboxylic acid (conc, H2SO4/HCl acid catalyst, reflux) or use acid anhydride
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which mthod of turning an alcohol is better?
using an acid anhydride. theyre more reactive and give a higher yield of ester. the other method requires distilation and purification to separate ester
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write the equation for the esterification of ethanol with carboxylic acid and acid anhydride?
ethanol+ethanoic acid-->ethyl ethanoate + water_ ehtanol + ethanoic anhydride--> ethyl ethanoate+ethanoic acid
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how do you name an ester?
ethyl= alcohol, ehtanoate= carboxylic acid/acid anhydride
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how are ethers similar and different to alcohols?
same molecular formula, different structural formula (structural isomers)
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how are ethers made?
substitutes alkoxy group (-OR) for a hydrogen atom in ana alkane
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what is the main way of purifying an organic liquid product?
separating funnel, drying agents, distillation
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whats the definition of a primary alcohol?
OH bonded to a carbon thats bonded to one other carbon
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whats the definition fo a secondary alcohol?
OH bonded to a carbon bonded to two other carbons
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whats the definition of a tertiary alcohol?
OH bonded to a carbon bonded to three other carbons
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what type of strong oxidisng agent can oxidise the _OH group?
acidified potasium dichromate (turns from orange to green)
16 of 17
where will the two hydrogen atoms be removed from?
one from oxygen atom, one from carbon atom
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what happens as the hydrocarbon chain of an alcohol gets longer?


influence of -OH bond on properties become less important so properties become more similar to the alkane

Card 3


how does solubility change as alcohols get larger?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what conditions are needed to dehydrte alcohols to alkenes?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what would be the product of the nucleophilic substitution reaction: CH3CH2CH2CH2OH + H+ +Br-?


Preview of the front of card 5
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