Why did the New Deal encounter opposition?

  • Created by: Lucyy
  • Created on: 26-11-12 20:22
Why did people oppose the New Deal?
They didn't think the government should become involved with economic life. It tried to create jobs, fix prices, control levels of production etc. They saw this as a threat to traditional freedom from the government.
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What is one of the functions of the Supreme Court?
Judge if laws passed by Congress are consistent with terms of the American constitution. If they are found unconstitutional they cannot stand.
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Which parts of the New Deal did the vastly Republican court find unconstitutional?
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How did Roosevelt plan to reform the Supreme Court?
After his 1936 reelection he wanted to increase the number of judges from 9 to 15. He would appoint 6 who agreed with his view. The idea was to stop the Court blocking his plans.
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How did this plan backfire?
He was seen as trying to pack the Supreme Court with his allies.
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Who was Father Coughlin?
Known as the radio priest. Based in Detroit he built up a national radio audience. He formed the National Union for Social Justice and preached that the Deal was not providing social justice.
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Why did people support him?
The people whose lives had been destroyed by the depression found his ideas appealing.
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Who was Dr Francis Townsend?
Other founder of the Union party. He was famous for his Tonsend Plan- a scheme by which everyone over 50 would get a monthly pension of $200 if they retired and spent it ALL each month.
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How did this influence the government?
It pushed them into passing the Social Security Act.
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Who was Huey Long?
A professional politician. He was governor of Louisiana in 1928 and was a spokesman for the poor. He became a virtual dictator in his state, intimidating and bribing opponents to silence.
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What did Long want?
He wished to introduce a 'Share of our wealth' scheme which would confiscate the money of millionaires and share it between American families.
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Who opposed the New Deal?
Businessmen, republicans, activists, state governments, Supreme Court, extremists, declining healthe of Rossevelt, old establishments, fear of communism and Francis Townsend.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is one of the functions of the Supreme Court?


Judge if laws passed by Congress are consistent with terms of the American constitution. If they are found unconstitutional they cannot stand.

Card 3


Which parts of the New Deal did the vastly Republican court find unconstitutional?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did Roosevelt plan to reform the Supreme Court?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How did this plan backfire?


Preview of the front of card 5
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