Why were people unhappy in Russia before the February revolution?

The Nobility and the clergy were at the top of the social heirachy in Russia. What did they do that angered people (leading to revolution?)
They were mainly unemployed yet lived opulent lifestyles. Some had job in government but these were only granted because of their social status. This elitist, unfair system was rigid, which angered people.
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Why were the working class (peasants and factory workers) angry at the government?
Many were forced to be serfs, this conversed with Europe where serfdom was decreasing. They had poor living conditions and also poor working conditions, the rate of work-related injuries was high. There was also famine and disease.
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Outline 4 things that other countries were doing, that Russia wasn't, that made people in Russia angry?
Other countries made steps towards public health, introduced democracy, stopped using serfdom and began industrialising.
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Why were people angry at the Tsar?
He ruled autocratically/refused to share power and believed in the Divine Right of Kings. He always put his ministers against each other to preserve his power.
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What did Nicholas II's wife Alexandra do that angered people?
She introduced Nicholas II to Rasputin, people were angry that the man who was accused of pedophilia and **** was given say in government.
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Why did some people like Rasputin? Why did this mean they were upset about his death?
They liked him because he was a christian who campaigned for peace, he also helped during the food crisis. People were upset at is death because he was the only working class man in government.
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Give an economic reason for why people were angry at the government?
Inflation rates were at 300% and the prices increased without wage increases.
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There was a shortage of ---- which angered people. The ------- system also collapsed.
Food, railway
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The Tsar led Russia to War. Give 3 facts that show the little success they had.
Soldiers were mainly untrained peasants, 300,000 soldiers died/injured at Battle of Tannenburg August 1914, lack of equipment, 2 rifles between 3 men.
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Why were people angry at Alexandra, wife of the Tsar, in the war?
There were rumours she had an affair with Rasputin, as she was German this made it look she she was sabotaging the war effort.
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What were military zones and why did this anger people in the war?
They were the state's armed forces, people opposed this as they believed that civilians should have more of a role in the war.
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What was the Okhrana and why did this anger people?
The secret police force, they beat up, exiled or killed those who expressed their disagreement with the government.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why were the working class (peasants and factory workers) angry at the government?


Many were forced to be serfs, this conversed with Europe where serfdom was decreasing. They had poor living conditions and also poor working conditions, the rate of work-related injuries was high. There was also famine and disease.

Card 3


Outline 4 things that other countries were doing, that Russia wasn't, that made people in Russia angry?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why were people angry at the Tsar?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did Nicholas II's wife Alexandra do that angered people?


Preview of the front of card 5
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