What year? (Suffragettes)

Quiz on what happened and when in the WSPU's campaign for women's suffrage


1. When did Herbert Asquith become Prime Minister

  • Jan 1908
  • Jan 1907
  • Apr 1908
  • Apr 1907
1 of 15

Other questions in this quiz

2. When was 'Black Friday'?

  • Oct 1911
  • Nov 1911
  • Nov 1910
  • Jan 1911

3. When did Marion Wallace-Dunlop first go on hunger strike?

  • Mar 1909
  • Jul 1909
  • Sept 1908
  • Dec 1909

4. Which of these event happened in 1910?

  • War declared, Women
  • Concilation commitee formed, WSPU calls a truce,
  • First window smashing, Women
  • Liberals come to power

5. When was the Cat and Mouse Act passed?

  • May 1913
  • June 1912
  • Apr 1913
  • Sept 1912


jacob w


errr this was quite hard...

thats a good thing i guess, but i think theres a LOT of detail here

thanks all the same :)



Good quiz, though I'm not sure you need to know that much detail for GCSE.



This was VERY hard- I only got 26% :-/



I don't think dates are anything to be stressing about for the exam,  they're good to use when writing about  background knowledge about whatever topic the question is based on, however I highly doubt you would find a question asking about which date a certain event was. 

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