What was the extent of the threat posed by the Waldensians to the Church in the 12th C?

  • Created by: Heather
  • Created on: 01-06-19 12:36
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When did an anonymous ecclesiastical write write his treatise and how did it describe the Waldensians?
-1260s, -Waldensians described as the most dangerous of all heretics faced by the Church at this time,
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What was one of the reasons this writer stated heretics were the most dangerous based on the length of their activity?
They were the most long-lived,
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What is reason 2 for why the writer stated heretics were the most dangerous heresy based on who followed?
They were the most widespread heresy,
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What is the last reason for why the writer stated heretics were the most dangerous heresy based on their threat to the church?
While other heretics taught repellent errors of faith, the Waldensians lived piously, believed everything in the Christian creeds and differed from the rest only in the 'blasphemies' with which they attacked the Roman Church, its clergy and rituals
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Where did the Waldensians first appear and when?
In Lyon in the late 1170s
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Who created this movement?
Organised by Peter Waldo
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What were they otherwise known as?
The Poor of Lyon, the Poor of Christ,
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How does Audisio describe Valdes' inspiration to the group and what are these three characteristics?
3 pillars of inspiration- Characterised by their dedication to biblical texts, undertaking life of poverty and preaching their example,
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However, what soon happened with the church due to the Waldensian teachings?
Waldensian teachings quickly came into conflict with the Catholic church
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By 1215, what had the church declared about the Waldensians?
Declared they were heretical and subjects to persecution,
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OVERALL,, this essay will argue what about the church's perception of the Waldensian threat?
The church underestimated the threat of Waldensianism, focusing instead on Catharism
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What did the Waldensans appear to protest based on the clergy?
The appeared a protest to the clergy's increasing wealth and riches,
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What event the Waldensians cause later by sowing these seeds of 'dissaffection' towards the clergy?
The Protestant Reformation
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Up to the 1980s, how did histories present the Waldensian movement?
As a coherent and unified movement,
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What two types of authors present two extremes of this interpretation?
Catholic and Protestant authors
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How do Catholic histories present the heretical movment?
They underline the novely to the sect, condemning it as erroneous and morally wicked,
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However how have Protestant historys presented medieval Waldensians as?
Presented medieval Waldensianism as medieval Protestants, sound in doctrine and morals
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What does Biller state Protestant authors stress about Waldensianism by comparing them with Catharism and their survival?
Protestants stress that unlike Catharism, Waldensianism was not destroyed and survived into the 16th C, then joining the Protestant Reformation
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How does Merlo expand on Biller's statement based on the reason for including this?
The reason Protestant authors exaggerate the Waldensian Orthodox elements is because as a Christian group, they don't want the history of a heretical group entering their ranks,
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In the 19th C, what did German historians discover?
NEw sources and worked on Vaudois manuscripts
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What particular work by what historian included these new sources?
Muller's general account of the Waldensians up to the mid-14th C
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Who then produced an encyclopedia as a general guide to Waldensians and when?
1908, -Bohmer,
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What new style of writing occured in the 20th C, including what approach towards evidence?
Deconstruction became the fashion in the academic studies of medieval heresies, including a sharpter and critical scrutiny of evidence
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Old confidence gone, what began to seem in about what element of Waldensianism?
Scepticism developed about the identity, continuity and coherence of Waldensianism
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Waht two historians forwarded this new approach?
Cameron and Merlo
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What did MErlo aim to shrug off, recognising what about lal texts?
Aimed to shrug off tyrant of the older unitary view of medieval Waldensianism, recognising all texts were coloured in some way,
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What did Cameron's history drive forward about Waldensianism movement?
Drive towards minimisation- Of numbers, spread, organisation, coherence, unity and historical continuity,
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How did Biller explain Cameron's different approach as comapred to medievalists?
Due to his persepctive as an early modern historian- He looks backwards, noticing weaknesses, unlike medievalists who look forward,
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When does Audisio argue the Waldensians origins are and why this date?
The 12th C, beginning when they founder, PEter Waldo, underwent a religious conversion,
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What date does Audisio state historians would never use now?
No historian would claim they date back to the apostles
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Where did this myth originate from, and why was it created?
Confusion for historians is die to the Poor of Lyons creating the myth to provide a guarnatee of authenticity, the worst accusation for a christian group being innovatory,
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Although, how does Biller state this myth caused confusion?
Due to the writings of post-medieval confessional historiography who have their own agendas
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Whike there is agreement on 12th C origins, is there debate around the end date?
The closing date for Waldensians still debated
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Can we argue Waldensians are still here today?
Ys- Waldensian valleys in Piedmont and a Waldensian church in Italy
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Which historian actually lives near what medieval Waldensian site? Are there still Waldensians there?
-Merlo, -Pinerolo, -No, but there are modern Italian Waldensians who live close,
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When does Audisio place the end date of Waldensians, which is largely accepted? Why this end date?
-16th C, -When they merged into the Protestant reformation, losing the characteristics of medieval Waldensians,
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OVERALL- How long did the heresy last in comparison to others?
No other medieval dissent managed to live so long,
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In addition, when the Waldensians ended, were they ended by the church? Wsa this their finish?
-Waldensian not destroyed by the church, -They survived into the 16th C, joining the Protestant Reformation
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Did the Waldensians survived past the Reformation based on their key characteristics?
They retained their name and sense of history but lost most of their earlier character and identity,
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The spread of Waldensianism covers where with what three exceptions?
-Europe, -Exception of Engand, Iberian Peninsula and Scandinavia,
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However, what serious problem did this spread cause?
It causes problems concerning the unity of the movement as the community,
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Why was the community dispersed widely?
After they were expelled and classed as schismatics
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How did the Poor of Lyons live across Europe?
Paradoxically, they lived as tiny minority with followers in a great many nations
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What was the basic characterisitc of the community due to its subjection to persecution?
Life as a diasporo, forced to flee in various directions to ensure its survival,
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What does Selge describe the Waldensians?
As isolated, revialist preachers all beloning to a community that had no fixed constitution and who crossed the country converting people'
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ALthough what problem does Cameron note about the spread of Waldensians and if they were recorded?
Due to areas and periods, they may not have been discovered by inquisitor and simply lived in peace,
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Eve nif they were recorded, what did Cameron state inquisitions still had a choice for?
They had a choice between minimisation and expanding their numbers
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Overall, how do historians present this spread of Waldensians?
They describe it as impressive how far it reached
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However, what do they note is the downside to this spread?
They could not unify,
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ALthough, what does Cameron state about the nature of sources and recording of unity?
Cameron notes the bottom heavy nature of most of the evidence- Relatively little tends to survive of the upper strucutre of the Waldensian sects, their organisation or record keeping,
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Therefore, waht id this spread mean for their threat to the church?
While they spread in various places, this actually made them less of a threat than one unified movement. Although this spread made them ore difficult to discover, hence why they lasted longer,
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How did an anoymous chronicler in Lyon describe Valdes and his profession?
A local man named Valdes has 'amassed a great fortune through the sickened practice of lending interest'',
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What did this chroncielr state Valdes heard one day?
Heard the minstrel singing about the life of St Alexius, wh owas an early Christian saint who exchanged a wealthy life for one of begging and spiritual bliss
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From this day, what happened with Valdes?
He was fully converted to live the best way a Christian can
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What was one of Valdes first actions while converted?
To hire 2 priests to copy and translate into the French vernacular many books of the Bible
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WHy was this translation vital?
To making portions of the Bible accessible to lay people, including Valdes
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After Vadles studied and learned these sacred texts by heart, what did Valdes commit himself to?
The goal of evangelical perfection
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How did Deane describe what Waldensian and what was his important role in the group?
-Durand of Huesca, -One of the best knwon and eloquest voices of the Porr of Lyons, -Wrote the 'Liber Antiheresies'
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How did Durand's treatise describe Waldensianism?
Described as Orthodox in context, but what set them apart was apostolic poverty and preaching
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HOWEVER, as we progress later, what happened to Waldensian beliefs?
They were not entirely Orthodox
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Who contradicts Deane based on what Durand himself believed?
-Audisio, -States Duran of Huesca rejected moderate predestination as taught by the church
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When was the THird Lateran Council an who was put in charge of investigating their learning?
-1179, -Walter Map
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What did Walter Map ask them to juge their orthodoxy, which was common in other investigations?
He first asekd if they believed in each person of the Trinity, followed by the Virgin Mary
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What was the Waldensians response?
They said yes, they believed in the trinity and the Virgin Mary
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Was this the correct answer?
No- THere is no correct answer
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What was Map's judgement?
They were a threat
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When and whre di Waldo make his Profession of Faith?
-1180-81, -Council in Lyon
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Give some examples of what Valdes had to confirm?
He confirmed he believed in the Old and New Testament, the Trinity, John Baptist, one Catholic Church and all its sacraments, eve nif administered by a sinful priest,
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Did he have a choice in what he confirmed?
He was forced to do so by the church
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ALthough what two historians argue this profession was not to prove Waldensians orthdoxy?
-Audisio, -Cameron
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What does Audisio state about why Vaudes make this profession based on Catharism?
Vaudes in his profession attested his followers anti-Cathar beliefs.
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Likewise, what did Cameron state about why Vaudes made his profession based n Catharism?
The principal point was to refute any suggestion he subscribed to Cathar heresy
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What quote from the Bible does Valdes based this evangelical poverty from?
;If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and given the moeny to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me!
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How important was poverty to them based on their own named?
It was through this poverty they chose to define themsleves- Poor of christ and Poor of Lyons
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Was Valdes giving up his possessions a powerful message?
Valdes was keeping with a trend taht was powerful at the time
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Was evangelical poverty 'easy' to undertake?
No it was a large sacrific, meaning a loss of wealth and one's plae in the social order
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How did his friends and family first view his decision. Did this feeling remain?
-They thought he was insane at first, -He soon attracted both female and male followers to his model of volutnay povery
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When was there a serious famine afflicting Germany and France and how did he use his wealth to help?
-1173, -Used his wealth, he gave regular doles three days a week of bread, soup and meat to whoever asked for it,
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What did their influence lead to by the majority, leading to creation of what groups?
Led to calls for evangelical poverty- Led to creation of Francsicans and Dominicans
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However while the church authorities held the apostolic model in high regard, why was there anxities?
Over issues of implementation of the model, and need for authority of its supervision
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How did the Poor compare themselves to th eclergy due to this poverty?
They beleived themselves Models of Orthodoxy, setting a fine apostolic example- Some say they saw themselves as better than Catholic hierarches
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How did any profession of faith made the clergy look?
Bad- Implicit criticism in the striking contrast between voluntary impoverished barefoot Christians and richly garbed clergy
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Not so implicit, what did Durand of Huesca state about the clergy in his Liber Antiheresies?
He criticised the 'greedy simony, pride, avarice, feasting... lechery and ther disgraceful acts' of the Catholic clergy,
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what did Deane state about the Waldensian threat based on being ore Christian?
Posed a large threat as observant lay people began to think the Poor were more Christian like thanthe clergy
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Likewise, what did Audisio state about the challenge Vaudes presented, threatening waht about the clergy;s prestige?
The challenge Vaudes presented was high, threatening the clergy's long history of unequalled prestige,
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Although, was this fear just brought by Valdes?
No- By valdes day, unanticipated religious passion among the laity was ripe, beginning to disrupt the traditional order of Christendom.
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What was the paradox of the Waldensians concerning their beliefs in the Catholic church?
-They taught Catholic doctrine, but paradoxically didn't believe in the churches right to forbid them to do so- Question of authority
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What was Jesus' last message to his disciples?
'Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation'
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What dd Vaudes believe this meant for him?
He believed it was his duty to spread the word,
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By doing this, what were the challenging the clergy;s monopoloy of?
Challenging the churches monopoly of the word
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What three reactions did the Poor of Lyons provoke in the clergy?
First astonishment, then reprobation and finally condemnation of the church hierarchy
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In the Roman Church, who could preach?
Only clergymen cluld preach as they had been trained
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Who mostly formed around Valdes/ Could they preach?
Laymen, -They needed the consent of their local clergy, which war rarely given,
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Why did they stop laymen preaching based on fear?
They feared ignorant preachers would spread error and confusion, sowing seeds for spiritual destruction
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How did Bernard Gui state about where the Waldensians preaching?
Although being unlettered and ignorant, 'they went from villge to village going into people's homes and preaching in public squares and even in churches,
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What did Bernard Gui describe as the effect of this preaching?
'LEaving behind them a host of misunderstandings and mistakes''
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In the Middle Ages, what was the greatest concern based on afterlife?
Souls paramount to all other concerns so clergy were generally worried about souls of their flock,
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What did what historian state about the threat of lay people who looked and acted like clergy?
-Deane, -Lay people who looked and aced like clergy with attempts to transcend and blue divisions deeply troubling,
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However, who disagreed with Audisio stating what about preachers and the church's attitude?
Groups of itinerant preachers had multiplied, all more or less accepted by the church hierarchy
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What is Audisio referring to based on why they left Waldensians largely alone?
As they were focusing on a greater threat- Catharism,
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After 1180, the next 2/3 years was marked by what?
growing difficulties
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What is one reason for growing difficulties occured based on Waldensians preachers?
Waldensian preachers played on anti-clerical sentiments
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What is another possible reason based on priests?
Priests may have refused to grant right to preach, inspired by jealousy
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What is another possible reason based on this right to preach?
Waldensians failed to get permission or even apply
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What is another possible reason based on Waldensians and women?
Conversion of women- Unacceptable
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Complaints from both sides reached what new archbishop? What was his response?
-Archbishop Jean aux Belles-Mains, -He forbade preaching
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What two events occured in 1182 and 1184?
1182- Expulsion from Lyon, 1184- Council of Verona
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From this point, what were the Poor categorised as, and what was their legal status defined by?
Schismatics anf formerly rooted within a legal status defined by disobedience,
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Who was the new archbishop and what was his approach to the Poor of Lyon? What is a possible explanation for this?
-Jeanx aux Belles Maines, -No mood to tolerate Poor of Lyons, -PRevious archbishop was a Cistercian, this archbishop was devout Catholic,
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In Songs of Songs, what ws valdes reaction to the archbishop?
'I will rise now and go about the city in the strets and in the squares; I will seek him whom my soul loves
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What did the Poor continue to do leading to their epulsion in 1182?
They continued to preach
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The Poor's decision would lead to what alongisde the Cathars?
Their marginalisation alongside the Cathars they despised
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Who took over after the death of Pope Alexander, allowing for waht?
-Lucius III, -Opened way for different agenda
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When was the Council of Verona and what treatise was implemented?
-1184, Ab abolednam
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What did Lucius write in the Ab Abolednam?
He set forth a series of requirements to improve the spiritual supervision and prevent future outbreaks of heresy,
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For example ,what did local bishops now have to do for any parish where heresy was reported?
Visit twice a year,
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Did this condemnation stop the Poor?
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What did Deane state about the Poor after this condemnation?
Despite condemnation, for another 30 years the Poor dealt with pragmatic tolerance
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What did Taylor state about the Poor after this condemnation?
The Ab Abdolendam didn't mark an end to this tolerance towards Waldensians
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Where did Vadles community leave to and what did they do?
-In small groups they ravelled through Southern France and Northern ITaky, committed to defend Catholic doctrine and preaching against Cathar heresy
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How many official consultations and debated were there after the Ab Abolendam?
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Before 1190, the consulation by both Waldensians and Catholics, who was the neutral judge chosen by both, and what was the outcome?
-Raymond of Deventer, -Waldensiasn ruled heretics,
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When was another important disputation that occured where, when Durand of Huesca was perusaded to reconcile with the church?
-Aug/Sep 1207, -Pamiers
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What group did Durand of Huesca created on his reconciliation?
Poor Catholics
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How was this taken by the Waldensians and why?
A major hit for the Waldensians, as it wa soon after Valdes died
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When did Pope Innocent II denounce Waldensians as heretics?
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What did this launch?
Several centuries of persecution that nearly destroyed the movement,
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What author was writng in 1190 north of Narbonne?
Bernard of Foucade
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How did he describe Waldensians?
As ;ravening wolves' and 'demonic heretics'
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What did Bernard of Foucade state about how they must be driven from the ;folds of christ's sheep'?
Either by preaching or the rod of discipline
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Where does Vaudes' originality lie in?
Remaining a laymen and remaining so
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What did he refused to enter into?
An existing religious order- Refused to fit a mould
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How did he present the laity's desire to do what?
To play a more important role in church which had become too clerical
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How was the question of laymen preaching viewed by the chuch?
It threw a question into the very foundation of the Church
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How was the challenge Vaudes presented and his legacy?
Vaudes presented a high challenge, and the legacy he left was similarly so,
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The Catholi Church was a threat to Cathars, yet why was Waldensianism the worst threat?
In creating legitimate demands for reform of the clergy was lost, thus the seeds for more serious conflicts of th future sown- Led to Protestant Reformation
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When did an anonymous ecclesiastical write write his treatise and how did it describe the Waldensians?


-1260s, -Waldensians described as the most dangerous of all heretics faced by the Church at this time,

Card 3


What was one of the reasons this writer stated heretics were the most dangerous based on the length of their activity?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is reason 2 for why the writer stated heretics were the most dangerous heresy based on who followed?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the last reason for why the writer stated heretics were the most dangerous heresy based on their threat to the church?


Preview of the front of card 5
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