What are the issues associated with unequal flows of migration? AC

  • Created by: danbot77
  • Created on: 04-05-21 11:42
How does migration to an AC create economic opportunities?
(Low skilled work)
Immigrant populations take many low paid jobs that other Americans don't want to do. The influx of Mexican workers provides great economic growth as cheap workforces encourage profits and investments.
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How does an AC create opportunities to migrants?
(Skilled work)
High skilled workers can come for jobs as 73% of immigrating Indians were going into business and science industries. This means that important jobs can be filled meaning society can function and people can make more money.
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How does migration to an AC create economic opportunities?
(Young people)
The average age of US migrants is quite young which means that the country can recover from a reduced birth rate which will help to stabilise their aging population through tax etc.
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What are some challenges caused by migration in an AC?
The integration of migrants has been varied due to factors like language. This means migrants can't achieve as well in education, become less likely to work high end jobs which stops economic success, leading to crime.
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What are some challenges caused by migration in an AC?
Increased demand for resources has occurred due to the increased amounts of people in the country like increasing water supply for Southern California. This puts a drain on established communities and creates tensions.
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What is one example of migration interdependence in an AC?
The US and Mexico- 12 million Mexicans live in the US. Remittances provide Mexico with 2% of its GDP.($22.5 billion)
NAFTA make trade easier and has allowed Mexican industry to boom.
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What are some policies that control migration?
Only 675,000 migrants being allowed entry:
480,000 family reunification.
140,000 for highly skilled workers.
Changing amount for protecting refugees.
50,000 given to encourage immigration to US.
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What are some of the push factors pushing Mexican immigrants to the US?
High crime rates- in the past 5 years 47,500 people have been killed in drug related crime.
Unemployment- Grew by 34.43% in 2008. 47% of families live under poverty line.
Climate- Mexico is arid so droughts are difficult.
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What are some pull factors pulling immigrants to the US?
America has better healthcare which incentivises families to move.
Existing communities help as people move to reunite with family and friends.
13% less of Mexico's population can read. People move for education.
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What are some negative social impacts of migration from Mexico to the US?
Some Mexicans don't speak English due to them living in enclosed communities which creates tensions which can lead to crime etc.
Low income and poor education can make migrants more likely to commit crime.
Leaves a dependent, old population.
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What are some positive social impacts of migration from Mexico to the US?
Help to develop culture like food. (more diversity)
Influx of Mexicans has lead to Spanish being taught in schools which widens younger people's skills and can help to ease tensions.
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What are some negative economic impacts of migration from Mexico to the US?
Migrants appear to have "taken" the jobs due to rising unemployment and Americans needing to work more menial jobs.
Most migrants send their money back to America which means the economy can't grow and local areas don't benefit.
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What are some positive economic impacts of migration from Mexico to the US?
As some of the population leaves, demand on services like healthcare reduces which means there is more room in hospitals.
Mexicans can make more money than what they would've made in Mexico so they can invest more and progress.
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What are some political issues with migration from the US to Mexico?
The border between Mexico and the US is very dangerous. Between 1992 and 2012, 2269 people died due to high temps in the desert.
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How has returning migration to Mexico helped their exonomy?
IN 2011, Mexico's economic growth outpaced the US and Canada. More people are migrating to Mexico from the US than who are going the other way. Retired Americans moved back to Mexico to purpose built places like Puerto Vallata.
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Card 2


How does an AC create opportunities to migrants?
(Skilled work)


High skilled workers can come for jobs as 73% of immigrating Indians were going into business and science industries. This means that important jobs can be filled meaning society can function and people can make more money.

Card 3


How does migration to an AC create economic opportunities?
(Young people)


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Card 4


What are some challenges caused by migration in an AC?


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Card 5


What are some challenges caused by migration in an AC?


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