Weimar Germany - Strengths and Weaknesses

What kind of government was formed in Weimar, February 1919?
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Why was the Weimar Republic not formed in Berlin?
The Spartacist revolt had just happened, so it was too dangerous
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Weimar Germany was meant to create a perfect democratic Germany - what were its two large weaknesses?
Proportional Representation & Article 48
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What was the Bill of Rights?
It guaranteed German citizens equality and freedom of speech and religion
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Why was the voting system better in Weimar Germany than in England?
All men and women over 20 could vote - only women over 30 in England could vote
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Did the Germans have the power to elect the chancellor?
No - they could only elect the reichstag and president. The president would elect the chancellor
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What was proportional representation?
Having each party in the reichstag, with their number of seats reflecting their number of votes. While seeming fair, having dozens of tiny parties meant that there was no major party, so no laws could be agreed on.
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What was Article 48?
An article saying that the president had the power to issue decrees without the agreement of the reichstag, in an "emergency". The type of emergency was not defined, so Hitler eventually used this to take power legally.
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Card 2


Why was the Weimar Republic not formed in Berlin?


The Spartacist revolt had just happened, so it was too dangerous

Card 3


Weimar Germany was meant to create a perfect democratic Germany - what were its two large weaknesses?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the Bill of Rights?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why was the voting system better in Weimar Germany than in England?


Preview of the front of card 5
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