
What is a Longitudinal Wave?
A wave in which the oscillation is the same direction of the wave.
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What is a Transverse Wave?
A Transverse wave is one in which the oscillation at 90 degrees to the direction of the wave.
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What is the Wave Speed equation?
Wave speed = frequency x wavelength
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What is the Wavelength?
The wavelength of any wave is the distance between two matching points on neighbouring waves.
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What is the amplitude?
The amplitude of any wave is the maximum distance a point moves from it's rest position. The larger the amplitude, greater the energy of the wave.
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What are the high points of a Transverse wave called?
The Peaks.
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What is the low points of a Transverse wave called?
The Troughs.
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What is the frequency?
The frequency is the number of waves passing any point each point.
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What is Wave Speed measured in?
Metres per second (m/s)
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What is frequency measured in?
Hertz (Hz)
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What is Wavelength measured in?
Metres (m)
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What is the angle of incidence equal to?
The angle of reflection.
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What is Refraction?
As light passes from the air into glass it changes direction slightly, this is known as refraction.
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What type of a Wave is sound?
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What do sound waves travel fastest through?
Sound travels fastest through solids. They travel more slowly through liquids and slowest through gases.
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Why can't sound waves travel through a vacuum?
Sound is a vacuum, this means there is no air. Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum.
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What are sound waves caused by?
They are caused by something moving backwards and forwards repeatedly. These vibrations that travel through the air and called sound waves.
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What is the speed of sound equation?
Speed of sound = measured distance/time on computer
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What is the speed equation?
Speed = frequency x wavelength
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The larger the amplitude...
The louder the sound.
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The greater the frequency...
The higher pitched the sound.
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What is the normal range of human hearing?
20 Hz (infrasound) - 20,000 Hz (ultrasound)
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A disadvantage of an ultrasound scan...
The picture of the scan isn't very clear.
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An advantage of an ultrasound scan...
It is safe to use and doesn't harm you (or the baby).
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What are the two types of waves generated by seismic activity called?
P-waves and S-waves.
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What can the waves get through?
P-waves can pass through solids and liquid rock, S-waves can only pass through solid rock.
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What are the 3 different layers of the earth called?
The mantle, outer core and inner core.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a Transverse Wave?


A Transverse wave is one in which the oscillation at 90 degrees to the direction of the wave.

Card 3


What is the Wave Speed equation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the Wavelength?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the amplitude?


Preview of the front of card 5
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